One of "those" days.

May 31, 2009 21:06

Every have “one of those” days where all sorts of things go wrong for no reason?
Today was ‘one of those’ days for me.

Wanna hear about it? Here it go....

The day started out pretty well, I had a lazy morning... I went to church yesterday so I could sleep in today. Well... technically maybe my ‘one of those’ days started yesterday, but I don’t think it counts because everything worked out for the best. I had plans with a friend to go see the new movie “UP” but they got cancelled last minute. That was ok though because I had forgotten that I promised to bake brownies for a party that was today and I didn’t really want to have to do that at midnight last night. So instead of seeing a movie, I went out to dinner with my parents (free food!) and came home and made two pans of brownies. The brownies turned out REALLY well. Yumm!! And also yay!

I did some homework on a pirate logo that I’m creating for class. It’s a generic pirate standing Capt’n Morgan style with one leg propped up on a stack of books. (It’s a reading camp logo) I spent a few hours on that and got it mostly finished. Then I checked the online discussion form for my class and found that while I was creating the logo, several people had posted *more* ideas about what they wanted for the logo. All their ideas were completely different from the design I had just mostly finished. *Head-desk* Oh well, they’re getting what I made. Even if it is crappy.

Jump to this afternoon as I’m leaving for the party. I realized I wasn’t sure exactly where I was supposed to be going so I called to get directions last minute. At that point I also realized I was going to be a little late. Skip forward in time to me headed out the door with a huge plate of stacked up (and very well wrapped) brownies balancing on one arm, and a choir practice bag, my purse, and a BLT sandwich precariously balanced on the other arm.(Why a BLT sandwich? I don’t really know.) I opened the door, no problem. I opened the screen door, still no problems. I took a step out side and was attacked from the air by one of those big black wasps. It was going for my face, and it seemed very pissed off.

I jumped out of the way, lost my footing, my left shoe, and turned my ankle all at the same time. (Oh no! Not the brownies!) BUT I managed to catch myself and recover. The brownies were saved! (Whew!) Then that darn wasp came at me AGAIN! This time I lost my other shoe, (It landed somewhere in the bushes) I tripped over a planter, and was going over backwards. (Oh no! Not the brownies!) I somehow managed to ‘right’ myself at the last minute, and I held onto the brownies, (Whew!) but the BLT sandwich was lost. Splat, all over the yard. (The dogs were very happy.) Then the wasp came at me AGAIN! (Arrgghh!) I couldn’t get away, because I was off balance, nursing a wrenched ankle, and was hindered by the fact that I was NOT going to let go of the brownies. The wasp smacked me in the back, but it didn’t sting me. (Thank GOD!)

At this point in the battle of ‘brownies vs. wasp’, it is possible that I might have been flailing around pointlessly in panic. (I can neither confirm nor deny my actions, but I’m seriously glad there were no video cameras around.) Now shoeless, with a bum ankle, and (possibly) flailing, I stepped on something prickly in the yard. This sent me spinning. (Oh no! Not the brownies!) I ended up crashing hard on my knees. (Ouch!) BUT because I was tightly holding on to the prized brownies, they were again saved. (Whew!) The damn wasp would NOT give up and kept coming after me. (Oh no! Not the brownies!) By this time, I was literally belly-down on the grass, *crawling*with my elbows, the plate of brownies protectively cradled on my forearms. (The whole thing was seriously ridiculous.)

Somewhere during the battle, in addition to my shoes and the BLT, I also lost my purse and the choir practice bag, but the BROWNIES WERE SAVED! (CHEER!!) Thank GOD for Glad Cling Wrap! That stuff really clings!

When I got to the car, I was covered in dirt and grass stains but I was victorious! I gently placed the unscathed plate of brownies on the passenger seat and made plans to recover my shoes, purse and choir bag. It took me about 15 minutes to limp around the yard and get my stuff back while dodging that freaking wasp. (But I have a can of wasp spray, and I will be avenged later this evening.)

After that, I was able to get to the party, even though I was about 45 minutes later than I expected. People commented about how awesome the brownies were. (Oh yes! The brownies! Damn right they were!)

The party went well and everyone was highly amused by my killer wasp story. I eventually left with a large plastic cup of Coke Zero in hand. As I was driving home I decided I wanted a drink. But at the exact time I picked up the cup, I hit a bump. SPASH! There was Coke Zero all over me and my car. (*Sigh*) When I got home I cleaned up my car and changed clothes. No harm done. As I was changing clothes though, I noticed that I have several new bruises. One across my shin where I hit the planter, one on both of my knees, and one on the inside of my upper arm from the edge of the brownie plate, (Because I was clutching it so tightly.) Oh, and my right ankle is somewhat purple. But no matter, I WON the epic battle of ‘brownies vs. wasp!’ (Or did I?)

Anyway, skip forward to about 15 minutes ago when I sat down at the computer to capture my day in a LJ entry. I had poured another cup of Coke Zero and placed it on the table next to the computer. My cat, who hadn’t seen me all day, lovingly decided to take a flying leap onto the table to be closer to me. However, she did not fully account for the skid reduction caused by a pile of loose homework that was to be her landing pad. So now, at this very moment, I am once again soggy with Coke Zero. But the cat didn’t mind. She’s currently curled up in my lap asleep. (And she’s also slightly soggy.) I guess *she* won the battle of ‘leaping cat vs. slippery homework.’

Anyway, that was my day! I think it meets all the qualifications to be ‘one of those’ days. I was going to do more homework tonight, but instead, I’m gonna change my clothes (again) then I’m going to take some Advil and follow that with a long hot bath.

I declare this day officially ovah!
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