Oct 09, 2021 18:16
Feeling a little wonky within myself as usual on account of this ADHD, but otherwise I'm doing pretty okay.
Finally got a permanent position in the medical records department for the company that I work for and I'm excited. There's a lot of details to the job, but I'm hopeful that I can keep up with everything and not get too overwhelmed. Plus everyone is so nice and helpful so I'm excited to be working a place that I like and finally is away from patient care.
Also I worked a little bit on my novel today which is a lot more than I had expected to do for the day and I might try to handwrite some things so that I can get more into a groove and then type over the weekend. Also once again the Lofi playlist on Spotify is really great for relaxing me and helping me concentrate when trying to write things up.
Things are of course still tight with money, but I am once again hopeful that things will change soon. Trying to stay in high spirits is hard, but its for the best.
my book,