(no subject)

Mar 15, 2006 07:06

Fuck, where did my aloe vera plant go?
this is ridiculous. I just bought the plant two days ago. I brought it home, set it on the windowsill (because the light would fall over it first thing in the morning and I would sit there and drink my coffee and watch it turn emerald-clear), and now all that's left for evidence is some strewn pathetic piles of dirt and a cat. Godammit.

But umm, yeah. Everyone's kind of subtlely mad at me for not spending enough time with them. I'm sorry guys. I guess I've just been making up for lost "me" time. It's not me hanging out with other people, I just have started doing more stuff alone. Don't worry though, I'll swing back around if you're willing to be patient. If not, I don't blame you. I wouldn't put up with this shit either.

But yeah. Despite the fact that my cats have started pissing on everything and I've found myself looking at the scissors more than once and wondering if they were sharp enough to sever off their balls, I've been good.
In fact, I've been good for awhile now. I notice myself smiling more often. Noah smiles when he wakes up in the morning too.

I have to go find something green, spiky, and alive. Damn this cold spell, why can't I just keep my plants outside?
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