Well, its been a really busy week here at Kilmurry House, but thanks to the Lizard and Brian the cats now have a clean and mostly dry large conservatory. It also happens to be in time for the next event, but the Barn Cats are not thinking about such things. Other than all the extra treats and petting they get, they don't get too excited about lots of humans doing funny things in their courtyard. But they do really like a dry space to sleep in, even when its raining. Though they are most unhappy about one of the only "drips" being right over their food bowl. Its in the old part with the wooden, rather than plastic roof and they were NOT amused when I brought them their bowl of kitty chow. However, they are already enjoying the wooden table placed in the center of the conservatory, surely that was intended at as cat display center, wasn't it? And there's room for all six kitties at once, unless one of them decides to bat the other off and back onto the now clean cement floor.
However, one thing the cats do NOT approve of was the removal of all their nice hiding places. Didn't the silly humans realize that all those boards, bottles, plastic sheets and dead plants were purrrfect places for sleeping, hiding and playing? Well, at least there is still the table and two rose bushes to lie on, but somehow it just isn't the same. On the other hand, Mommy and Daddy seem to like spending more time in the Cat Conservatory, so maybe it isn't too bad. There is a lot more petting this way, and besides now we have the woods to play in..all those statues and a real hammock to sleep on, sometimes even with a human in it!
Also, Mommy says there may be a FISH pond coming in the near future that will provide us with something called "Cat TV," ....stay tuned...