I'm still here

Oct 08, 2008 23:35

Just a note to let folks know we are all still alive here at Kilmurry House. The Lizard (Etienne) will be at Viceroy while the Wolf (Sigmundr) and I stay home and keep the fires burning (and the business going). We are both looking forward to a visit by Sir Brendan the Tired this weekend, he's staying two weeks, so there should be a lot of time for relaxing and just visiting.

We've been insanely busy getting the last pieces of our current jewelry catalog range done, but now that its sorted, I hope to have time to breath again. I've started staying logged in for readings at Keen's website, so if you know anyone who wants a paid reading they can reach me either at www.planetstarz.com or via my keen button on my live journal page. The radio show at Starz has been down for the Summer but hopefully I'll be back on the air before next year if they get it sorted.

Meanwhile, the weather has been so wet that the garden was pretty much toast. I'm getting a few tomatoes now thanks to our late warm spell, but not nearly as many as most years. My pototo "harvest" was a big basket of leaves with a few tiny tatters in them. Chrissy felt so sorry for me she brought over a huge bad of American size spuds. She was worried that their potatoes had grown so big and thought they had done something wrong! And Erminguard thought our usual Irish sized potatoes were big, she should see these, they look like Idaho bakers!

Cats are fine, horses are fine, dogs are doing well etc. The heat is working, thank goodness as we really need it at night now. The days are chilly but the nights are cold. I may have to go gather the last of the tomotoes green and let them ripen indoors, otherwise I'll get to try out the green tomato mince meat recipe someone posted on my kitchen list today.

Well, that's a quick update, good to see everyone here and at face book.

I hope to get more chances to update now that the rush is slowing down a bit.


For a reading with my alter-ego StarzAmberCat push

Or go to www.planetstarz.com

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