Jul 14, 2007 00:49
Ah . I need to update more..I always say I'm going to..but I never do. I guess I just forgot about updating somtimes...well most of the time.
Lets see what have I been up to? Hmm
Mark & I have been having some ups & downs these past 2 weeks...yeah. Not good...but I won't get into all the details..I just really want things to look up for both of us...Whys it so hard to have a relationship? Hah, well things have been looking up.. but they could be better.
My mom & I took my little brother to see Transformers..OMG, It's such a GREAT movie. I freaking loved it...and I never really even used to watch the cartoons back then in the 80's ..but seriously it's amazing. Go see it now!!!! I <3 Optimus Prime.
I also went to the Midnight Previewing Of Harry Potter:Order of the phoenix with Stacey...Kitty didn't end up going. Another GREAT movie. Go see that one toooo!
I ended up shelling out money for 3 new juicy couture daydreamer handbags. Not good for my bank account. haha. I got a Red/Blue one, pink/brown one & a lavender/pink one. I'm debating returning one of them...I'm not even sure why I baught 3!!!! But oh well...I guess. I have a terribly sick shopping addiction.
I want to go to the Projekt Revolution tour SO BAD. I mean seriously...PLACEBO...HIM...JULIEN K....MSI....yeah..amazing bands. & it kills me that I'm not going. Kitty's going though. :( Lucky bitch. (j/k you know I love you Kitty, hahah. )
Tomorrow going downtown with my mom. We're gonnna go check out the Jewelery shops, I'm excited.
Well I guess that's all for now, I'm pretty exhausted. So g'night. <333