Apr 12, 2006 13:50
A prose or verse composition, especially one telling a serious story, that is intended for representation by actors impersonating the characters and performing the dialogue and action.
Theatrical plays of a particular kind or period: Elizabethan drama.
The art or practice of writing or producing dramatic works.
I though some people would appriciate that.
OK so yeah shit has hit the fan for someone i know.. not the best situation for her to be in, but itll pass in time.
On a lighter note, did i mention im going to NIN?!
yeah be jelouse. So ive been working out to pilates dvd i have, ts kinda corny and i dont quite get it but oh well. ive also been going for walks around the neighborhood with Izzy the past couple days because its been sooo beautiful. Im so sick of the rain, I enjoy nght thunderstorms, just not during the day when it interfears with my plans. Still no luck on the job front but hopefully something will come through.
other than that nothing new to really report about my life is pretty monotoned at this time. Ive been on a bit of a cleaning frenzy the past week. I dunno if we are moving when the lease is up or what but i dont want a big mess to try and pack if we do end up moving. i have like 10,000 loads of laundrey to do and he funny thing is is alll jacobs! and i hate how he does laundrey so i am gonna do it.. Yeha i love having help when its time to clean but.... I hate it when jacob cleans becuase he mumbles under his breath about every lil thing and he swears i cant hear it... My dad use to do that mumbleing thing so i grew up hateing it.. hhrmmmm. I made a Kick ass cake for jacobs dads b-day this past weekend its just now gone.... It was yummers. yeah my life is that boring im talking about a cake i make almost a week ago gawd!
By the way my friend desi just posted a very insiteful LJ post. It made me thing about things. Unfortually its a friends only post so im not gonna link it.
I gotta go finish cleaning a bit before meg and lucian get here and see how crazy ive been.