Oct 09, 2009 17:49
I need to start writing more. I never used to like writing when I was in high school; I only started to truly enjoy it when I got to college. I guess my problem is that I never have the time, and when I do have spare time, I do other things.
I feel like this setting a terrible example. For God's sake, I'm an English teacher. I don't think I can truly encourage my students to become better writers if I don't do more of it myself. I hate feeling like a hypocrite.
I feel like my writing improved quite a bit in college. I've written some things that I am pretty proud of, and it's a great feeling to reread those kinds of things. I sometimes secretly dream of becoming a writer. Not a novelist per se, but an essay writer. I don't think I have the will power to finish anything much longer than an essay. Maybe a short story. My problem with fiction writing is that I can always think of a multitude of ideas for stories, I just can't think of how they should end. I get halfway through the story in my mind, and it just stops.
I guess to make a long story short, I've decided to try to respond to the "writer's block" prompts that livejournal posts on the home page. They're pretty interesting sometimes, so it might be a good way for me to get back in the habit.
Hopefully, you'll be seeing them soon.