
Nov 13, 2010 00:52

Hi, livejournal, hi. I kind of just do homework and feel stressed and spend some time cooking or whatever, but then today I saw fitofpique, who is entirely made of awesomeness ( Read more... )

laura! at the minibar

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slowlikewine November 13 2010, 06:08:59 UTC
Unrelated to anything fitofpique said, but I have all sorts of thoughts about stories sometimes, and I would like to blab about them, but, like. The author is supposed to be dead or something. The author is definitely supposed to be quiet, which is just LIKE being dead. I was telling this to desfinado a month ago, but it's totally still true. ... that I have all these feelings I want to share, not that the author is quietly dead. That last thing has been true for way longer than a month. Actually, both things have been true for longer than a month.

What??? What are you even talking about lady?? You should totallly blab about your stories, are you kidding me? Unless... wait, did someone actually die? Is someone actually dead? What's going on??

I have to tell you though, your brain is wrong. Brendon and Shane DO NOT end up killing Spencer. IDK what they do with him, but it doesn't involve death or dying. Someone told your brain wrong. ;)


disarm_d November 13 2010, 06:11:45 UTC
Because it's like, "Fahhh, not too many people read this in the first place but listen to all of my ~feelings~ fah fah fah." Nobody actually dies! Isn't that a saying? That the author is dead? I feel like that's a saying? O_o

hahahah, sorry, bb. fitofpique has it ending much differently, which was fucking ADORABLE and I totally enjoyed.

But Brendon and Shane totes kill Spencer.


slowlikewine November 13 2010, 06:25:37 UTC
But Brendon and Shane totes kill Spencer.


I am not familiar with the dead author quote, but that doesn't mean much. Anyway, I think that you should talk about whatever you want, including and ESPECIALLY your own stories. Personally, I LOVE it when authors share background info or possible alternate endings or "where they are now/what happened next/what I was thinking when I wrote this scene" stuff. I love all of that. And I think you might find an audience for those posts because when other authors have done DVD commentaries on their fics they seem to have received a good response. So, maybe that's just something to consider.

(breaking out my sad icon in memory of Spencer)


disarm_d November 13 2010, 06:31:14 UTC
TALK TO FITOFPIQUE! She has the other option all planned out. And by the other option, I mean an AU of an AU, ahahahha.

I often want to talk about storied, but then maybe it would ruin the story for people (lol, did you seriously think that there was happy ending for Spencer???) or just be really boring or annoying or whatever. I've done DVD commentaries before, which is actually pretty fun. idk, idk. I guess it's true, though--I really like hearing people talk about stories. It just seems kind of awkward, you know? ahha, as if I'm not already frequently awkward with my "hello, I have all these thoughts and feelings to share."


slowlikewine November 13 2010, 06:43:31 UTC
....... You get that we all keep coming back here because we want to hear your thoughts on stuff, right? Shut up and share your feelings already! ;) (j/k j/k, I hate using the phrase "shut up" even if it's in a completely joking manner. /o\)

As for ruining a story, you can always just put that part of the post under a cut if you wanted to. That way people can make the decision as to whether or not they want to read more or just stick with what they know and their current interpretation of the material. Make it their choice, maybe?



disarm_d November 13 2010, 06:48:26 UTC
♥ I do sometimes feel like I'm not too sure what people are hoping to find when they come to my journal, but I guess they would just have to deal with it if they were not hoping to find an avalanche of my thoughts and feelings, :P

That is a good point, ♥

ahahaha, that's pretty adorable. Do you really think that Spencer's happy ending would involve an eternity with Brendon and Shane, though? (I can't stop playing devil's advocate right now, lol)


slowlikewine November 13 2010, 07:02:33 UTC
Nah, I don't see them turning him so much as I see him escaping or being rescued or possibly them just getting bored and deciding to move on and not taking Spencer with them. Something like that. IDK, it's been a while since I've read it. Also, I've had a couple of (rather large) glasses of wine, so details are a little fuzzy right now.

But I mean, c'mon... He's Spencer fucking Smith. Know what I'm sayin?


disarm_d November 13 2010, 15:08:13 UTC
I think that they would eventually get bored (which is why I think he ends up dead), *g*. I had had allllllll of the wine last night, so many things were fuzzy to me too, heee! And now I'm trying to drink some water.

(It really is okay if you want to think that Spencer makes his great escape or whatever! Anything could happen, ♥)


slowlikewine November 13 2010, 15:34:50 UTC
Hahaha, it could be a 'choose your own adventure' story! I used to LOVE those! ;)


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