Top Fives Part III

Aug 12, 2010 12:43

For fallintosilence Top five apartments you wish you lived in
Mostly I would just love to live in an apartment that had a washer and dryer, but aside from that:


(I loooove bookshelves with ladders. Even though I... hate climbing up ladders.)


(just because I like the art and the floors)


(oh my god, these windows!)


(this kitchen actually makes me feel weak in the knees)


(gahhhh! *________*)

Top five kinks you've never written but are interested in

1. The one that comes to mind immediately is a 24/7 thing, which would also include
2. chastity. I had chastity devices on my kink_bingo last year, and I thought about the story in my head, but I never actually wrote it out. I think it might be one of those things that's more fun to think about than to write.
3. I've written rough blowjobs before, but I don't think that I've really really written facefucking and I would be interested in writing that!
4. Pegging, *\o/*
5. Over-stimulation (which only counts if you handwave the stuff that I've already written. Sex pollen is totes different, right?)

For fictionalaspect Top five items of clothing you can't live without

1. Cardigans!!! That's always my favorite type of clothing. In terms of a specific item, I guess the black on without buttons would be what I'd pick right now, because it goes with everything.
2. Black leggings. Because it's summer, specifically the ones I have that cut off at the knee. The key to wearing dresses it to have leggings-- no rubbing when you walk, no worrying about flashing anyone when you sit down, no problem if your dress blows up in the wind. Love it!
3. This dress that I have that's got a white top part and coral bottom part. You know, the dresses that are sort of like a t-shirt and skirt, but they're joined? Just under the boobs? I got it from Old Navy, which surprisingly is where all of my favorite dresses come from. It fits me and it's comfortable and the coral is cheery and I love it!
4. A camisole or wife beater that covers cleavage and is nice and long in length. To go under shirts that are too short or show too much boobage, and also just works on it's own under a cardigan.
5. And then I guess a pair of jeans. I went with the boring "basics that are essential for putting together a wardrobe."

For octette top five brendon/spencer moments from fic (yours or someone else's.)

a) in other people's stories

I'm doing this as my favorite moments, not my favorite Spencer/Brendon stories (which would be impossible to choose, anyway). Some of these aren't even specifically Spencer/Brendon, just moments with Spencer and Brendon that I really love.

1. "He is not stealing your band, Brendon," Spencer says, and rolls his eyes. "Or your dog."

Shane can make out stray words in Brendon's tirade, Dylan's name and "my fucking friends" and then Spencer shoves back his chair and stands up.

"I don't know," he yells, "why in the world could your boyfriend possibly be at my house looking like he wants to die?"


"No," Spencer says, icy and mean. "You listen to me. You two are totally together and you're trying to act like you're not and it's completely ridiculous. And if you can't get your shit together and end up getting, fuck, like gay divorced, you're only going to see that dog every other week and -- no, fuck you, Brendon, that might be about as often as I want to see you too."

From Scenes from a Marriage by wearemany

Spencer is often characterized as being 'bitchy' in stories, but that's not actually how I see him. What I love about this is how Spencer laying a smack down (which I totally believe) isn't "bitchy", it's just him being honest. I don't think that Spencer would get mad all that often, but I bet he's loyal to his friends and also not afraid to call them on their bullshit. Spencer Smith: master bullshit caller.

2. Spencer talks to Brendon while he chooses a paddle, explains to Brendon why he's choosing a rectangle instead of a round one. "I'm going to start on your thighs, Brendon," he says, as conversationally as he can. He has to swallow the words he really wants to say -- he has to swallow the things he wants to do tonight. Brendon's thigh, right where it meets his ass, is begging for a fucking bite mark, a dark bruise, blood rushing to the surface of the skin.

But Spencer's never put his mouth on Brendon except to kiss his head when he's been good or when he needs to calm down. Okay, he's licked him a couple of times, but that's all been dares, or to get Brendon to give up the last pop tart or whatever.

From I Want to Choke U by lalejandra.

Aside from EVERYTHING ELSE THAT'S GOING ON, *________*, I love (and believe to be canon) the image of Spencer licking Brendon so he'll give up the last poptart. I feel like Spencer is (surprisingly) the person most likely to lick so that he can have the food he wants.

3. “Agh,” Brendon cuts him off, with a weird fade-out that means he’s probably not holding the phone up to his ear anymore. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing,” Spencer answers, confused, but then he hears another muffled voice in the background, undoubtedly Shane.

Brendon says something in reply that Spencer can’t make out, and then says more clearly, “Sorry. We’re, uh, cleaning. Sort of. So what, did you miss me already?”

“No,” Spencer tells him, because Brendon won’t believe the lie anyway. “Not for a minute. Hey, so do you…?”

“What the fuck is that?” Brendon interrupts, in mixed tones of delight and horror. “Are those jumper cables? When I said we could get kinky, I didn’t mean you could try to kill me. Are you licensed to use those? I don’t think…oh my god…aaaaahhhh!”

From the jumper cable ficlet by airgoidslv.

It's hard to have Brendon's goofy side come through in a way that doesn't make him seem stunted, but this is always and forever hilarious to me, and also one of my favorite examples of Brendon being ridiculous in a way that I totally buy.

4. "Brendon," says Spencer. "Shut up."

And then--God only knows why, Spencer sure as hell doesn't--something possesses him, and he ignores the sound of Shane still spluttering with shocked laughter in the background, and the startled look in Brendon's eyes, and just reaches out and tips up Brendon's chin, just slightly.

"Uh," says Brendon uncertainly. His eyes are suddenly huge.

"Shhh," Spencer mumbles, and dips his head. He rubs his lips over Brendon's, light and slow and careful. Brendon doesn't move at all at first, but Spencer doesn't mind. He just keeps sliding their mouths together, warm and soft, until Brendon exhales shakily through his nose and parts his lips a little in spite of himself.

Spencer lets his tongue flick out and just barely brush against the inner curve of Brendon's lower lip. Brendon really does have a pretty amazing fucking mouth. It's a lot easier to pay attention to that, now that Brendon's not assaulting him with it.

He explores slowly, never letting Brendon increase the pressure or take it past where Spencer wants it to go. He sucks lightly against Brendon's lower lip, flicking his tongue against it one more time, and then, when he's finally ready, he slants his mouth over Brendon's and deepens the kiss, just for a second. Just for a taste.

Brendon is wobbling on his feet again when Spencer pulls away. He drags open hazy, unfocused eyes, and stands there staring at Spencer for a second like he's never actually seen him before. His mouth is still hanging open a little; Spencer is surprised by how much he wants to kiss it again.

From this kiss ficlet by reni_days.

It is also canon in my head (shut up, I said in my head) that Spencer and Brendon have amazing chemistry together. And that Spencer is a sex god. How much do I love the idea of Spencer being this stealth hotass who suddenly sweeps someone away with the perfect kiss? SO MUCH.

5. Brendon touches her calf where the muscle is firm and round before letting his hand slide to the back of her knee.

There’s a tiny patch of hair missed by the razor, and it’s spiky under his fingertips.

The fan rattles every now and then as it rotates, sending cold air sweeping over the bed in waves. Their skin is rising in matching goosebumps, matching shivers.

Spencer’s eyes are steady as she spreads her legs wider. "It’s okay," she says, "so," and her tone is almost daring. They aren’t allowed to dare each other anymore, each too tenaciously stubborn in their own way to ever give in. Shit tends to escalate wildly.

From Calenture by jukeboxghost.

I totally believe that Spencer and Brendon would get into the most trouble daring each other to do stuff. I bet they're each shameless, in their own ways.

b) mine

1. There are some swooshing noises behind him. Ryan turns his head around and sees Brendon flapping his cape with one hand, as he holds Spencer's hand with the other.

It's pretty awesome how Spencer doesn't mind being seen in public with him.

Because Brendon did swish his cape around the whole time he was on stage, and Spencer isn't embarrassed to be seen in public with him. I don't know how the idea of Spencer being annoyed with Brendon all the time got started and then spread like crazy in fics, but I've never really seen any canon to back that up. Mostly Spencer and Brendon seem like super adorable BFFs who constantly crack each other up.

2. Brendon tips sideways, sprawling on the bed. He kicks out his legs and lifts the closest one, draping it over Spencer's thigh. He rolls in, butts his head against Spencer's shoulder, laughs, this breathless giddy sound, and Spencer feels stupid with affection for him.

Brendon moves around, his limbs curling and straightening like he's swimming. He makes a happy humming sound, and Spencer laughs as well, reaches over to scratch his fingers through Brendon's hair.

That was from the sex slave story, which was my only real attempt at writing h/c. Good god writing h/c is difficult. That story was incredibly challenging, but I found that moment so satisfying to write. Knowing how good it feels to write two characters being happy together after all the shit they been through really made me understand why h/c can be so awesome. And then I also just like intimacy, and people's bodies being present.

3. Brendon reaches for him, too, but once the ground stops moving, Spencer lets go of Brendon and steps back quickly.

"Sorry," he says, his voice caught in the back of his throat, and then again, "Sorry," because it's worse than he thought it would be, standing here in the dark beside Brendon. They've never been friends.

I think just because there's still so much of people talking about their "friend" instead of their partner, and how Spencer and Brendon kind of try to be friends - how it would be so much easier if they were just friends, but when you love someone it's never going to feel like friendship.

And then also the last line of the story, which is the only time I've ever made myself cry while writing something, /o\

4. "I'm fun," Brendon protests. "We're fun."

"You killed three people last night. There's still blood in the hallway."

"That was fun!" Brendon says.

"I hope your carpets are stained," Spencer says meanly.

I'm sorry, but Spencer being kidnapped by Brendon, the demented vampire, will never stop being funny to me. And I feel that should Brendon ever turn into a vampire (I'M JUST SAYING, SHOULD IT EVER HAPPEN) he would be completely demented.

5. "I thought you said that people couldn't touch your wings," Spencer says, dragging his fingers through a long streak of shimmery purple.

Because I like the idea of Spencer being the one who sees the ways that Brendon is magic.

For earth_is_a_star top five things you pretended growing up

I pretended everything growing up.

1. Attached toothpicks to pieces of string to make an IV line and plastic cups from the kitchen set as IV bags and then played hospital with all of the stuff animals.
2. Used the large Lego blocks as 'seeds' and pretended to grow a farm.
3. Organized all the kids in the neighbourhood in some complex game that involved going around the yard for different plants that were used in a potion.
4. We had this horse (like a plastic horse that was on a base with springs so you could bounce up and down and pretend you were riding it) and pretended the horse was a unicorn and I was Rainbow Brite.
5. Pretended to be the evil Moon lady from Power Rangers (Rita? Her name was Rita, right?) and my brothers were my henchmen. I always liked pretended to be the bad guy. I hope that's not too telling.

Also, does anyone have a download of the Train album with Drops of Jupiter on it? I'm on my Mom's computer and don't have my usual torrent stuff set up, but she wants me to get the song for her. Please and thank you! :D


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