Top Fives Part I

Aug 10, 2010 17:52

Here's the first batch of these things. I ended up rambling forever, so I guess I'm going to have to post these things in chunks.

For okubyo_kitsune top five things to write about
My top five favorite things to write about in
a)blog posts:
1. Awesome new canon things that have made me think of stories I want
2. My tremendous successes in daily life (I'm pretty generous with things that I'll consider successes, *G*. that's the key)
3. Bitching about school
4. Food stuffs
5. TV shows

b) stories (I'm super subtle, so I'm sure none of you will have figured this out by now)
1. Someone not knowing what they want
2. Intimacy, especially the gradual build as people get closer, especially especially if the build involves porn.
3. Vampires. Crackfic premises in general.
4. Thematic orgasm denial
5. Implied personal growth that'll probably happen in the next five years, :D

For mrsquizzical top five ways that spencer and brendon should end up together

1. Brendon wants to find a new place after Sarah moves out because it just doesn't feel the same without her, :( And Spencer's never really loved the place he moved into, so he tags along with Brendon & the Realtor, just to get an idea of what's out there. Except that what's out there turns out to be this amazing place with high ceilings and huge windows and a big open room that would be perfect for setting up instruments, but it's way too large for either of them to buy alone, so they just move onto the next place. Except that they each keep thinking about it, and nothing else really measures up, and finally one day, Spencer's like, "So... *scuffs toe*" And Brendon's all, "I WAS THINKING THAT TOO!" And then the buy a house together, which maybe should feel weird, but it never actually does.

2. Spencer, the cheerful bisexual, has all sorts of fun sex and Brendon gets more and more curious until finally one day he's all, "So, Spence. Sex with dudes?" And Spencer's like, ":D! Sex, :D!" And Brendon's all, "Hmm, oh yeah? I'm just, you know. Taking an interest." And then there's lots of talk about sex until finally the tension is too much and they end up fucking.

And then they end up fucking some more, and Brendon's all, GAHH, I guess this is pretty fun, maybe he's a cheerful bisexual as well.

So he tries fucking some other guys, and it turns out he's reasonably cheerful and reasonably bisexual, but mostly just crazy in love with Spencer.

3. The reason why Spencer is suddenly so skinny (and sparkly) is because he got turned into a vampire, which totally changed his metabolism. And the most ideal person for him to feed off of his Brendon, who's all warm and energetic and doesn't miss the blood too much, but also accidentally gets squirmy as fuck when Spencer feeds, which leads to some awkward tension afterward. Until they find ways of resolving the tension, >:)

And then Spencer turns Brendon into a vampire, too, so that they can be together forever. Or, the friendlier ending where Spencer leaves Brendon as a human and stays while Brendon gets old, but then that would have an even sadder ending, so probably Spencer should change Brendon into a vampire.

4. They live in a castle/boarding school/some place and they're Not Supposed To Be Together, but they just can't stay apart, *____* That's always my favorite way for them to end up together ♥.

5. The one where they form a band when they're in high school and stick together through other members coming and going, and then somewhere in there, they're 40 years old and the longest, most steady relationship either of them has ever had is with each other and the music.

For harborshore Top 5 Spencer-the-cheerful-bisexual stories that should exist
1. The coming of age story where Spencer cheerfully has a lot of sex and slowly comes out to the people around him.

2. Where Ryan and Spencer follow around a bit in high school, and Ryan's all, "Yeah, I'm off to have sex with ALL THE WOMEN now! That's enough of that." But that was probably not enough of that for Spencer.

3. [this is one I used to think about before we knew about Brendon being serious with Sarah] The one where Brendon's never had a serious relationship, and Spencer ends up being one of the very few people he has sex with more than once. And definitely the only person he's slept with more than once who still likes him. And they have really good sex that ends up being kind of more than just fucking around, just because they're already so close that it's not just fuck buddies, but it's also not a relationship. Neither of them fall in love, but Brendon learns how to be close to someone, and then eventually they out grow each other and Brendon marries Shane, who's kind of a grown up person and was waiting for Brendon to get his shit together.

4. The one where spencer finds himself noticing guys, and Brendon's let it slip before that Shane totally hooked up with a dude, way back when, so Spencer feeds Shane a whole bunch of beers and brings it up TOTES SUBTLY. Because, you know, whatever, no harm in talking about things. Except that they're both drunk, and talking about sex is totally the first step to having sex and they end up knocking bones. And then the next morning, Spencer's all, ":D! That was FUN! WHOOOO!" and skips off on his merry way. Shane emerges from the bedroom looking like he was hit by a hurricane and won't tell Brendon a thing.

5. The one where everyone goes to Spencer to talk about sex because he's really easy to talk to and also he's done it all, >:)

Top 5 canon Brendon moments
1. Happy Birthday Spence!!!!!!!!!!! and:


3. "It kind of hurts but I'm kind of into it."
4. When Brendon posted the emo tweet, which was followed by

Shane taking him out for a huge hamburger

which made Brendon smile

even though he's still having a mope, and refused to take off his sunglasses despite being indoors.

5. When he plays tambourine by hitting it on his head.

fuzzy bunnies are so delicious, meme

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