Sunday's Pornothon Prompts!

Aug 19, 2007 00:01

IF I HAVEN'T INCLUDED YOUR PROMPTS, AND IT IS MAKING YOU SUPER SAD, LEAVE ME ANOTHER COMMENT HERE AND I WILL ADD IT. The way that I made the prompts was to c&p all of them into a word doc without the usernames and to tried to pick a wide variety so that there would be something for everyone. Along the way, your comment may have slid through the ( Read more... )


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Prompt #31 1/3 laniew1 August 19 2007, 23:45:35 UTC
I'm not sure that this totally fits the prompt, but it's as close as I could get, also this this is maybe the beginning of something larger, I don't really like the way I ended it.

But for now, split into 3 parts because of length...

Brendon and Keltie share everything.


But they’re not together. Not in the least, they’ve been best friends since they were kids and Keltie laid out David Stormer for pushing Brendon down on the playground.

It wasn’t Brendon’s fault, he’s been told by his parents that fighting is bad and he should never raise a hand to anyone, Keltie on the other hand has two older brothers who have taught her to protect herself.

They’ve been best friends ever since.

Most people don’t understand them, they swear up and down that they’re not together, yet they’ll leave clubs together, some pretty little thing tucked between them.

It’s a game to them, sometimes. They never do it to hurt anyone, Brendon doesn’t like hurting people and Keltie just wants to have fun.

The Party Room is one of their favorite clubs.

They’re known there, they never have to wait in line and they can typically pick out their playmate for the night ten minutes after walking in.

This Saturday is different; Brendon knows he’s being difficult, Keltie is getting exasperated with him.

She’s pointed out three or four different guys, on a normal night he probably would have agreed to the second one.

That one had been his type, tall and thin, totally his type under normal circumstances.

Keltie notices her first, she’s tall and thin. Wearing a skirt that’s not nearly short enough for this club on a Saturday night, she’s not got much going on up top, but she’s working what she has.

Brendon can tell that Keltie is entranced by the way her eyes don’t move away. Keltie doesn’t typically go for the girls, she told Brendon once that she’d had one girl on girl encounter and it had ended with her having to punch someone.

This girl though, she’s swaying to the music, her partner has a hand on her ass and when they turn enough so they can see her face Brendon sighs.

He’s not much for the girls either, he’s about 90% gay, but that 10% that isn’t thinks this girl is the prettiest thing he’s seen in ever.

“Are those stars on her face?” Brendon glances over and Keltie is squinting, the girl and her partner are far enough away that they can’t really see that much detail.

“One way to find out,” Brendon finishes his beer; if he leaves it on the counter it’ll be gone before they’re even on the dance floor.

He grabs Keltie’s hand and they make their way to the floor, he doesn’t recognize the song but the bass is hard hitting and he wants to dance suddenly.

Wants to sandwich that girl between him and Keltie and then take her back to their place and keep her between them.

Keltie is grinning at him; they’ve known each other long enough that she can follow his thoughts without him having to speak them.

The guy she’s dancing with doesn’t want to relinquish her, but Brendon’s glare can be pretty impressive and Keltie slides right between them so he doesn’t have much choice.

Her eyes blink open and she tilts her head to look at Brendon then at Keltie and then glances around for the partner that she’d just lost.

He’s skulking away, pouting and Brendon wants to laugh.

Alls fair he thinks as she relaxes back against him, as his hands settle on slim hips and Keltie dances right up in front of her.


Prompt #31 2/3 laniew1 August 19 2007, 23:46:19 UTC
“I think we both get what we want tonight,” Keltie whispers when the girl goes to the bathroom. Brendon raises an eyebrow in Keltie’s direction.

“Look at her neck when she comes back,” Keltie grins, Brendon is confused and he doesn’t like that feeling.

So when she comes back it’s the first thing he looks for.

She’s sipping the soda that they’d got for her, ‘Pepsi, no alcohol’ she’d whispered before she’d left, and he sees it. The prominent Adam’s apple that marks her as a he and he hides his grin into his beer.

He’d thought that maybe his 10% of non-gay was going to trip him up and he’d have to settle for watching Keltie get her gay on.


“What’s say we get out of here,” Keltie says, Brendon looks down and sees Keltie’s hand on her, his thigh and grins.


They keep him between them in the cab, they never drive on nights when they’re clubbing.

Keltie has her hand on his thigh again, probably up further then that, but in order for Brendon to check he’d have to stop kissing him.

And he doesn’t plan to do that until they’re back at the apartment that Brendon and Keltie share and they need to get out of the cab.

This boy’s mouth is addictive, soft and sweet and Brendon can taste the remnants of his lipgloss, some sort of sweet caramel thing.

He’s moaning, softly, into Brendon’s mouth. Keltie’s hand is almost definitely under his skirt, probably touching him, telling him that that they know what he is without words.

That there won’t be any surprises when they peel him out of his clothes, when Brendon kneels him on his bed and fucks him hard while Keltie’s got his face buried between her thighs.

She likes to be eaten, then fucked.

Brendon hopes to still be fucking him when that happens.


Prompt #31 3/3 laniew1 August 19 2007, 23:47:03 UTC
He’s oh so responsive and tighter then Brendon thought possible. He thinks he’s going to come on the first thrust in and has to stop, has to not move and not think and breathe for a few seconds.

Keltie is moaning, hands above her head clenching the bars of his headboard, he likes the way her breasts look with her body arched the way it is.

Next time they do this he’s going to tie her hands like that, force her body to stay tight and taut.

One hand has let go of the headboard and is clenched in the boys’ hair, she’s vibrating with tension and he thinks that the boy is evidently hitting all the right spots for her, because he doesn’t think he’s ever heard Keltie sound so close to coming so fast before.

He gives an experimental thrust and the boy moans, deep in his throat and Keltie is keening.

He almost wants to pull out, wants to lie down beside them, keep his fingers in the boy to keep him stretched for him and see what he’s doing to make Keltie make those noises.

Instead he thrusts again and Keltie cries out, body arching off the bed and Brendon knows that she’s coming. The boy (and they should really ask for his name at some point, Brendon thinks) keeps licking at her until she relaxes and pushes his head away. He lays his head on her stomach and pushes back against Brendon.

Brendon fucks back into him, hard and driving motions, alternating his angle until the boy clenches around him and utters a strangled ‘oh god’ while clutching at the bedspread.

Keltie grins up at him and Brendon grins back, she’s reaching for a condom on the bedside table and Brendon pulls on the boys’ hips, pulling him upright against him. The boys head drops back on his shoulder and Brendon bites kisses along his neck while Keltie rolls the condom on him.

Brendon pulls out and the boy moans in protest before he realizes what’s happening, that he’s being shifted onto his back and then Brendon is sliding back into him and Keltie is straddling him, guiding his cock into her.

There’s a pause, there always is and then Brendon thrusts and Keltie raises up and starts fucking herself on the boy.

His hands come up to hold her hips, maybe to direct her movements which Brendon knows that Keltie hates, she likes to fuck.

She doesn’t like to be told how to fuck; she laces her fingers with the boys and then leans forward, dragging the boys’ arms over his head and Brendon sees the moment the boy gets it.

He’s here for them, not for himself.

He wraps long fingers around the bars and closes his eyes.

Brendon leaves one hand on the boys’ leg, the other cups Keltie’s breast and she leans back, head turning so she can kiss him.

They only touch like this when they’ve got someone between them.

His hand leaves the boys leg and goes to her clit, rubbing against it roughly once, twice, three times and she cries out into his mouth when she comes again. He thrusts twice more and comes himself.

The boy is silent below them, his eyes still closed and Brendon knows he didn’t come, he would have felt if he had, but when Keltie lifts off and lays down beside him he’s not hard.

Brendon disposes of his condom, cleans himself up, removes the one from the boy and cleans him up as well, even though he doesn’t need it.

He lies down on the other side of the boy and he and Keltie exchange confused looks over the boys’ body.

They link hands over the boys’ stomach and Brendon thinks that they’ll rest for a few hours and then do this again, maybe figure out why the boy didn’t come.

Maybe ask what the boys’ name is.

They sleep and when they wake in the morning the boy is gone.


Re: Prompt #31 3/3 damnpetewentz August 20 2007, 02:57:39 UTC
personally, keltie annoys me, but this was fucking hot. Thanks for this, i think its one of the best pornothon entries!


Re: Prompt #31 3/3 laniew1 August 20 2007, 06:00:44 UTC
You've so brought me out of lurker-dom with this. I read one Ryan/Keltie/Brendon before and holy fuck was it hot then and holy motherfuck is it hot now! And cross-dressing Ryan (even when we don't technically know his name) probably my greatest fantasy, so...



Re: Prompt #31 3/3 mandy_croyance August 20 2007, 06:01:29 UTC
er... opps. I forgot to log in, lol


Re: Prompt #31 3/3 disarm_d August 20 2007, 20:17:35 UTC
Oh wow. I loved the Brendon Keltie dymanic in this! Very cool!

And, with the sexy! \o/

I wouldn't have said anything if you hadn't mentioned it, but yeah-- I'd be very interested in reading more in this 'verse, if you wanted to write it! :)

Awesome job!


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