Spencer! at the Minibar

Apr 23, 2010 09:33

I'm at my parents' house for a break in between exams, so I'm on my laptop for the first time in a while, and I was going through old tabs. I've had this one picture open forever, and I can't even remember why I had it open in the first place, but when I looked at it today, it made me want a fic where( : )

fuzzy bunnies are so delicious

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disarm_d April 24 2010, 17:59:39 UTC
I think the thing that made me saddest is that the split kind of turned bandom into the kind of fandom that I have less interest in. The type of fandom that grabs me the most is one where there are a bunch of people who all seem like really good friends & where there are endless possibilities for different pairings. I was so drawn to Panic! because there were so many different things to write about! And they all had interesting interactions with different people in the band, and yeah I always thought that Spencer and Brendon were the most compatible based on how I pictured their personalities, but it didn't mean that I didn't want to read about other pairings. I can sometimes read in fandoms where there is the ONE OTP, but it's definitely not something that I'm interested in writing in. I don't even know why! It's just-- idk, it's like if the pairing has already been predetermined it's not as interesting to me. That's part of the reason why I could never really get into the American idol fandom. I remember when I first was getting into Panic!, it was like YES! I'm going to try to write a story with every single possible pairing. Whoohoo!

It's weird because since the split, fandon-wise I actually feel like the Young Veins side have more going on. Ryan and Jon, but also Alex (I love his interactions with Ryan!) and then The Like, idk. Maybe things would be more interesting if Brenodn and Spencer put a CD would and were actually touring. I just know that if I were coming into bandom right now, there is nothing that would make me want to join. :(

And it sucks because the fandoms that people are moving into are not interesting to me, :( So there's the double whammy of-- YOU'RE ABANDONING ME! AND YOU'RE NOT EVEN HEADING SOMEWHERE INTERESTING! :(

I hope that the cereal helps, ♥


slowlikewine April 24 2010, 18:17:51 UTC
The cereal helps. The pics of Brendon and Spencer in the studio with John Feldman help A LOT. As done my shining optimism that one day soon the boys will all find their way back to each other and go get some burgers or something. And tweet about it.


slowlikewine April 24 2010, 20:17:43 UTC
Totally off topic, but...

I've stumbled across a fic you wrote back in May of 2007, Our Mortality Cuts to the Heart, and it's written in the same universe as another fic called Afraid of Change, Afraid of Staying the Same. When I clicked on the link to the second fic, though, it said it was a protected entry. Neither fic is listed in your masterlist, so I was just wondering if there was any reason for that. I'd be really interested in reading the second fic if I could.


disarm_d April 24 2010, 21:33:29 UTC
You should be able to read it now. Both fics were locked, but someone emailed and asked to read Our Morality so I unlocked it for a bit and forgot to lock it again.


slowlikewine April 25 2010, 03:20:30 UTC
Thanks for unlocking that for me. I just finished reading it (why did I not put this comment there? idk), and while I'm sure you had your reasons for locking those two stories in the first place, I gotta tell ya, I don't think I've never seen that premise handled that well. Stories like that break my heart, but I think that they can offer a really interesting point of view that we don't usually get in slash fandoms (not everyone is 100% okay with being gay/having gay friends. this is a fact). So often that material is covered in a really bad-ficcy way that makes me cringe, so it was really nice to see it handled in such a competent and thoughtful way here. Or, there, actually, but you know what I meant.


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