monday's pornothon prompts

Aug 13, 2007 00:05

Okay, so here's how it's going to work:

You all left a bunch of amazing prompts (oh my god, I seriously can't wait to read what people are writing for these). I've made up a word doc of all the prompts, and broken them down over the days.

Some of the prompts were very similar (Yay! for the hivemind). I've sort of smushed a couple of them together so that there'll be less repetition. When I picked the prompts for today, I just went through and tried to pick an assortment of pairings and kinks in no particular order.

So, check out all the prompts right here:

Prompt #1
Pairing: any Panic!
Scenario: listening to each other jerk off in bunks

Prompt #2
Pairing: Travis/Beckett
Scenario: Travis discovers William's habit of wearing women's lingerie--specifically garters, over those long, long legs. Porn ensues! \o/
Kink: Crossdressing

Prompt #3
Pairing: Brendon/Spencer
Kink: Rope, and Brendon just needing to stay still or he'll end up choking himself and nobody would like that. And Spencer touching him, just lightly, and completely stopping if Brendon moves at all.

Prompt #4
Pairing: anything involving pete wentz, actually.
Kink: FROTTAGE AND FIGHTING (and by fighting i don't mean arguing, i mean ARGH I AM GOING TO PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE and i think it is really hot when that leads to sex).

Prompt #5
Pairing: Ryan/Spencer
Scenario: Before they were famous era
Kink: Discovery/coming out

Prompt #6
Pairing: Katie Kay/Maja Ivarsson
Scenario: I don't even know if Gabe and Katie Kay know each other, but I think at some party/festival/etc. (there has to be some occasion where the three of them could randomly be) he should introduce her to Maja. And of course he'd leer and not-so-subtly dare them to make out or something like that. And they decide that hey, he's right, that'd be nice, so they leave poor sad Gabe and go have hot bathroom sex. (He could go to Bill for consolation...)

Prompt #7
Pairing: Pete/Ryan/Brendon
Scenario: Ryan sucking Pete while getting fucked by Brendon

Prompt #8
Pairing: Brendon/Spencer
Scenario/Kink: Roughhousing/tickling turning into frottage, initial shame and embarrassment from getting hard.

Prompt #9
Pairing: Gerard/Frank
Scenario:: Domestic!fic. And/or Frank's sick and Gerard takes care of him.


Prompt #10
This seemed to be the most popular request:
Pairing: Brendon/Ryan
Kink: Scarves. Silk scarves. Bondage. Brendon tying Ryan up with scarves. Blind folding him. (Some didn't specify either way, so if you want from Ryan to be the one tying Brendon up, I say go for it!)

Pick out as many as your like, and post your porn in the comments. When you post your comment, please write Prompt # [number here] in the subject heading. That way, it'll be easier for people to scan the comments to read the ones they're most interested in. Although, let's be honest here people, every single one of these prompts was amazing, you're going to want to read them all.

By all means, reply to more than one prompt! But, please reply in a separate comment for each prompt. And, don't forget to have the prompt number in each subject heading.

If someone posts a snippet of porn, and you want to add to it, go for it! The more porn the better. I'm sure everyone here would be happy for you to continue with their porn. You can create comment!porn if it ends up working that way.

You can post the porn you write in your own journal (drop a link to let me know if you do, because we're going to attempt to make a master list of this all at the end).

And finally:


P.S. Feel free to continue leaving prompts at this post.


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