(no subject)

Aug 03, 2007 17:52

Spencer/Brendon Bodyswap

Spencer wakes up and he's wide awake. Just like that. No gradual tumble, the slip and slide drift into consciousness. He opens his eyes and thinks, quickly and clearly, 'What day is it? I would like some Lucky Charms for breakfast, I hope Brendon didn't eat them all. I wonder if I should buy red shoelaces. They might come in handy someday,' before realizing how fucked up it was that he was able to think anything at all within 10 seconds of waking up. How fucked up it was that he was even able to realize that things are fucked up already.

He sits up.

Things don't feel right. He feels like he could hop out of bed and go. Already! No coffee or anything. And also, his body feels weird. It isn't sitting up in the bunk like he's used to. And the ceiling is maybe a little higher up or something.

Then he thinks some more about how incredibly fucked up it is that he can even notice that there is a ceiling so quick after waking.

He opens his eyes.

Apperently, he's gone blind through the night.

Well, not blind exactly. It isn't pure darkness or anything. It's just-- fuzzy like. It gets a little bit better when he squints, but he still can't really see.

Spencer lets out a loud, "What the fuck is wrong with me," and hears a couple of sets of feet heading towards his bunk.

Ryan's there first and he pulls the curtain back. "Brendon?" he asks, looking at Spencer. "What the fuck are you doing in Spencer's bunk?

The story where Brendon has a mancrush on Spencer.

Most of the time Brendon went around like a normal person, playing video games and just generally making an ass out of himself. But every once and a while, he'd forget to be annoying for a minute and just. Change. And do ridiculous things like take an hour to eat a tootsie pop or try to teach himself yoga, or play his acoustic guitar or something.

Spencer knows that he's not the only one that notices it. Ryan and Jon have both come back to the bunk area, usually separately, though sometimes Brendon manages to spook both of them at the same time, saying, "Brendon's being weird again," and that's the end of that.

Brendon's being weird is not the same as Brendon's being annoying, which happens far more frequently, or Brendon's being retarded, which happens almost as much as Brendon's being annoying. Brendon's being weird is quite rare, and Spencer doesn't think that he even knows when he does it. It'll just switch on sometimes. Ryan and Jon slink off as fast as possible to call their girlfriends. Spencer knows that he should too, that that would be the normal and acceptable response. Except that for some reason, Brendon's being weird didn't really scare Spencer away.

Wake up wondering The not!Sequel to Afraid of Change from Ryan's POV.

Ryan tells his dad that he's quitting university for band on a Tuesday. He waits until his dad gets home from work and tells him just as he walks through the door. Before he even has time to take his shoes off.

He tell him, and Ryan’s dad says, “Your dropping out of college for your little band? You and your friends bang around in a garage for a couple of months and now you’re too good to get an education. Who is going to pay to hear you play? You, your cubby friend and your creepy one, and your faggot lead singer.”

Ryan can feel prickles running up and down his spine. Just breathe, he thinks. “Brendon isn’t a fag, Dad,” he says. And Spencer will grow into his body, and Brent will stop wearing turtlenecks all the time, and people will listen to them play. “We have a record contract.”

Ryan’s dad walks away without responding, walks to the kitchen to pour himself a drink.

That’s my cue, Ryan thinks, grabs his wallet and jacket and leaves out the front door.

The smaller half The one where Brendon's in unrequited love with Jon.

The thing is, Brendon’s not good with girls. He knows this, he accepts this, he sincerely hopes that the fans never realize this.

Jon’s a real boy with brothers and everything. If Brendon is too rough with him, he just sits on Brendon’s chest until Brendon calms down (from lack of oxygen, usually) and stops throwing empty juice bottles at Jon’s head. Whatever, it was funny for a while.

Jon does not pretend like he’s fine or having fun or whatever, before going off and telling everyone that Brendon has a small penis. Which isn’t true anyway, it’s just in proportion with the rest of his body.

Brendon is taking an indefinite break from dating girls.

The one were Brendon does a terrible job seducing Spencer

Spencer knows that something is not right when he comes out of his bedroom for supper and finds the cabin empty except for Brendon, who is puttering around in the kitchen.

"Where are Ryan and Jon?" Spencer asks and eyes the table nervously.

"It's just us tonight," Brendon says. "Sit down, sit down."

"I don't drink," Spencer says, pointing to the champagne glasses.

"Oh, I know," says Brendon. "That's just sparkling apple juice."

Also, the one for the blows_to_come challenge, which is so far only one line. And then a bunch of things that I'm writing with other people. I'm not posting a snippet of those, because I'm not sure if the coauthor would mind.


Do you know what I want now? A story were Spencer and Brendon (and everyone else, too) are students at this prissy British university in the 50s or 60s or sometime a while a go, so they wear blazers and sweater vests. They meet each other in class one day, and then run into each other at some dorky reading of French poetry at the coffee house (which Ryan organized. Spencer came to support his friend; Brendon misunderstood the meaning of Romantic poetry). They become friends and they study together on the grass in front of the library. Well, Spencer studies and Brendon plays Frisbee with Jon.

Except that Brendon and Spencer totally <3 each other, even though they don't even really realize what's going on. It leads to sloppy kissing in dorms, and they're both totally inexperienced (technically Spencer's had sex, but only four times. Brendon isn't really saying one way or another). It's just a lot of kissing and rubbing up against each other and undoing three or four of the buttons on Spencer's shirt so that Brendon can kiss along his collarbone. But, gently so that he doesn't leave any marks.

They don't do anything more than making out for weeks and weeks, and even that feels a little bit dirty, because they live in a totally homophobic school, and they'd totally get expelled if they got caught together. Except that it's also so incredibly good that they can't stop themselves, even though they both know it would be better if they did.

One night, Spencer takes off Brendon's blazer and pulls his tie over his head, instead of just loosening it. They're pressed close together on Spencer's single bed. Spencer works Brendon's shirt up higher and higher on his torso before pulling it off all together, and then there's skin everywhere. Spencer rubs his hands over Brendon's back, touches him all over, but still only above the waist. Brendon arches into him and spreads his legs, and suddenly, Spencer's hips are pressed right against Brendon's and he's rocking down against him, kissing over Brendon's shoulder because there's still all this skin, and they both end up coming like that, Spencer still mostly fully dressed and Brendon still wearing his pants.

And I don't know. Maybe they'd work up to handjobs. And. Other things.

pairing: spencer/brendon, sweatervests

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