Oh what a fic drought there is, :((((((( I know it's just pre-BBB, but it's killing me. The story that was supposed to be my BBB is at <10000 words, so I'd say there's zero chance that I'm actually going to finish it in time. /o\
Jen posted her AU where
Brendon is a tiny knight, so you should go read that because it's awesome and hilarious and other words that mean happy-inducing.
Now everyone else needs to post stories, please. There are so many things I want to read right now!
For example, I would like to read a whooooole bunch of stories about Adam.
I don't know what is going on here, and how they managed to do it, but this picture is SUPER ADORABLE.
I don't know who took all the pictures of Adam, but a lot of them look like they're from a photoshoot or something.
Often the older ones are even more awesome than the Idol ones. That outfit was pretty sweet though.
Have you guys seen the Ten Commandments?
I owned it, and didn't realize that it was Adam until someone mentioned it. I do remember being blown away by his song! (Also, SUPER ATTRACTIVE LOOK ON HIM.)
Adam's tongue likes to be free.
Adam spends a lot of time having sex with cameras, so. \o/
How freakin' amazing is this picture!!?!! SO AMAZING. Possibly my favorite picture that I am posting just now.
That outfit should look ridiculous. AND YET.
I feel deeply suspicious of the strip on his chin, but it still kinda works for him, IDK.
Apparently Adam was in a glam rock band for a while. I can't remember what the name of the band was though.
But the other guys look MUCH OLDER.
They tried to disguise this by photoshopping the picture BUT WE CAN STILL TELL.
Okay, that was fun.
I really like Adam. I like how he's come across in every interview I've seen of him, I love the way he sings, the songs he chooses (even when they're not songs I love, I love listening to the way he sings them). I really like the idea of writing about an actually gay person. Sometimes I think it's a bit weird how fandom is all about gay relationships, but not actually about gay people, if that makes any sense. Also, Adam is very out, and I like the dynamic that that allows, compared to, say, writing about canonically straight dudes in bands. \o/