1. Reading the comments in
this post totally made me start crying YOU GUYSSSSSSSSSSSS. I really love all of you a lot, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
2. I can't stop watching
Brendon smiles, then his face slips and for half a second he looks SO SAD and then he licks his lips. IT'S LIKE EVERYTHING I LOVE IN LIFE CONDENSED INTO TWO SECONDS! (It works best if you watch it while it's first loading, and plays in slow motion.)
3. I got a twitter a little while ago just because I wanted to grab my own username in case I did ever want to use it. The other day I realized how easy it is to update that fucker. A couple people have added me (I guess you can search for users by their email address?) and I thought that I should warn ahead of time that if I do use it at all, I WILL BE SPAMMING THE FUCK OUT OF YOU. So, yes.
I'm disarm_d on twitter, and you should enter at your own risk.
4. All I want in life is for there to be a story where Brendon's all busy having sex with women, and still a little bit with the growing-up-mormon thing, and then he meets
Adam Lambert and there is a lot of ass fucking. (I try not to read youtube comments, but every single time I accidentally glance downwards, it's kids arguing about whether or not Adam is gay. Really, you guys?) (Hahahhahahahah, it's like that video where Lance kissed Lacey in Dancing With The Stars, and all the kids were like WHAT, ISN'T LANCE GAY? MAYBE HE ISN'T? BUT I THOUGHT HE WAS? ) (Adam
is gay.) I want for Adam to be a raging queen and for Brendon to be all,Ooh, sparkley! Brendon likes sparkley queens (see: his
inability to stay away from
Ryan Ross backintheday). I feel like bandom is sorely lacking a story where Brendon gives up his ass cheery to a fabulous queer.
I legitimately mean it when I say that I want someone else to write this for me I AM SO SERIOUS HERE.
I'd love to read so many stories about Ryan and Brendon being the most idiotic of all idiot boyfriends. Not in a faily emotional way, just like, Brendon starts things on fire when he tries to cook dinner, and Ryan can't actually make the stove work because his gas got turned off again. So
faily, but also so
4.b.i. It's awesome how there are various Brendons, and all of them are so easy to imagine as being someone's boyfriend.
Every time I see
I think, this is Shane's boyfriend. He's a dorkus, but Shane loves him.
This one too
It seems like such an intimate moment.
This is Spencer's boyfriend
And this is Jon's boyfriend
5. Everything about
this video is amazing. ... except for the paparazzi. But, seriously, Ryan's GIANT hand on Pete's arm? And then Pete helping Ashlee into the car and then reaching back to grab Ryan's arm? They're all so touchy and it's amaaaaaaazing. Ryan's looking awesome, Ashlee's looking awesome,
the pictures from that night are awesome. Good times!
6. The other thing that I really want to read is porn that is set in the past, idk, some historical time when people wear breeches, and I want it to be all of the build up and UST and yearning and shame and uncertainty, and then I want that scene where they're finally kissing, and they've never really even kissed anyone before, and it's so CAREFUL and TENDER and AWKWARD and just the fact of being so near to another body is overwhelming. And like, loose billowy shirts that get twisted and little hints of skin, and then someone actually reaches for the lacings of someone else's pants, and that moment of touching bare skin. I want people to live in castles and for there to be women in this story with pretty dresses and corsets, and stone floors and ivy everywhere. So, set in A Castle, not in an actual historical time period. You know how there were castles in My Little Pony? I'm pretty sure about this, anyway. That was the one where they put all the little ponies to bed, right? I don't even remember anything about that movie except that I was obsessed with that one scene when I was a kid and I spent a lot of time putting all of the stuffed animals to bed. (This is a misrepresentation of the kind of playing I did as a child: usually I was the bad guy. I liked pretending that I was Rita (that was the name of the moon woman, right?) in Power Rangers, and I made my little brothers pretend to be my cronies.)
I feel like I might have accidentally ruined your sexy by talking about my childhood games, /o\
What I'm saying is that this story should be set in the sexy kind of castle, where people spend a lot of time running up and down marble hallways in beautiful clothing, and girls wear the sexy versions of historical dresses, with their bosoms pushed up and spilling over the fabric and the laces of the corset showing at the back, and I don't know how, but there could totally be some girl!oral in this story (but not the romance novel kind of sexytimes with girls, please, because I get all annoyed with the Alpha Male character & dubcon type vibe), and that scene with Brendon and Spencer in the forest BRENDON AND SPENCER WORK REALLY WELL IN HISTORY TOGETHER I DON'T KNOW I AM JUST TELLING YOU WHAT I WANT and actually touching each other for the first time and it's really scary and really tense and really fucking hot.
Someone write this for me! I have been craving it for ... days! now. So, :D (It's basically a PWP, I will be honest, because all I want is enough buildup to make the sexy moments actually sexy. I figured out what that should be called though, instead of PWP: Porn FOR Plot! \o/)
Yes! In conclusion, depending on how you like to roll, you can either write me a story where Adam shows Brendon the ropes, if you know what I mean. (ASS FUCKING! Seriously, how awesome would that dynamic be? Someone who's so totally comfortable with his sexuality showing Brendon a good time? I think that would be amazing.) or Brendon and Spencer giving each other tentative handjobs in the forest while some woman or another runs around in a castle wearing a dress (I AM JUST TELLING YOU HOW IT GOES WHEN I IMAGINE IT. I guess you can tweak some of the details a little bit). And you know what, whatever, the only history class I took was a year-long History of the 20th century course in first year. I DON'T KNOW HOW THESE THINGS GO AND I ALREADY EXPLAINED TO YOU THAT ECONOMICS DOESN'T TRANSLATE WELL INTO PLOTS. Especially not sexy plots.
Or I guess you can write me the story where Brendon and Ryan are idiotic Idiot Boyfriends. See how friendly I am? :D