Sweater Vest Redux

Jul 13, 2008 14:00


Ugggg, how is sunlight and squinting such a good look on them?

I don't even know but it is.

I love Brendon's scarf so much oh my goodness, HOW DO THEY LOOK SO HOT!?!?!?!?


What are they looking at here? What is going on with Brendon's shirt? How does Spencer look SO GOOD with his tie like that and his cuff buttons undone? I DON'T EVEN KNOW, BUT SPENCERRRRRR.

This picture of Jon is so totally adorable.

They look pretty in sunshine and also in black and white. Spencer is wearing the sweater vest. ♥_♥

I love Brendon's coat so much. SO MUCH. And also I love Brendon.

Imagine if you had this walking towards you:

!!!!!!!! Ugggg, them. Why can't they dress like this for always?!?! (Probably because the entire world would be blinded from that level of off the charts attractiveness.)

(From here.)

Here are the originals:

You guuuuuys. I want stories where they are in some prissy school and aren't supposed to be homosexual, and then there is UST and sneaking around and kissing and the cautious unbuttoning of shirts and I know I already wrote this story but I want more. Tiny dorm beds and harsh breathing and sweaty hands and trying to stop but not being able to and the tiny moments of intimacy that they steal. Uggggggg. This would not even be a story that ended with people coming on Brendon's face and I don't even care!

They all have this immaculately pressed, white clothing and they would have to be so careful not to get it wrinkled. That last picture totally looks like 'college boys coming back to their dorms after a walk in the woods' to me. They're still in their school clothes, but they've loosened their ties and undone their buttons, and pretty soon they're going to be within sight of authorities again, so they'll have to do themselves back up again.

They'd drink tea and read gigantic books and Brendon would totally be good a math! Not even in a secret genius kind of way! He would have his papers in front of him and his slide rule off to the side (I think this works better if we pretend it's a little while ago). Spencer sits across the table from him, and there are books and papers between them, lots of other people around. Spencer watches Brendon chew on his pencil and pretends that he's reading. Their feet touch under the table, and neither of them move. They're wearing thick shoes, so it's not like they can actually feel anything, just that little point of pressure.

Sometimes when they're studying late at night, they sit side by side (since there are fewer people around) instead of facing each other. They both spread their legs so that even thought they're sitting in separate chairs, their knees just barely touch. Brendon has an ink stain across one of this knuckles that Spencer notices when he watches Brendon's hand, his wrist.

Sometimes Brendon gets homesick -- he's come the furthest to go to school -- and he gets quiet and his eyes go sharp. Spencer stops at his room to get him for breakfast, and he walks inside instead of waiting by the door. Brendon is standing in front of the mirror, tying and retying his tie, because he just can't get it right, and each time he pulls it loose again, he's more and more frustrated. He yanks a hand through his hair, which doesn't help to stop it from sticking up in all directions. Spencer walks over to him and reaches out for the ends of Brendon's tie. Brendon is still holding it, but he lets his hands fall away. Spencer has picked up the tie far enough down that their hands don't touch. Brendon stands and Spencer slowly ties his tie. Once he's got the knot, Brendon tilts his head back, baring his throat, and Spencer tugs the tie, pulling the knot tight. Brendon swallows, and Spencer can feel the movement with his fingertips.

One day, Spencer and Brendon go for a walk in the woods without Ryan and Jon. As they walk, Spencer undoes the buttons of the cuffs of his shirt. Brendon loosens his tie, then unties it all together. Each time, they are careful not to look at each other. Spencer reaches for the buttons at the collar of his shirt, and Brendon watches the sun through the trees. They walk further, and he reaches for his own collar.

They sit on a log together, close enough to brush together their shoulders and knees. Brendon bows his head, looking down at the ground while Spencer stares up at the clouds. Eventually, Spencer says, "We should head back," and Brendon nods.

They stand, dusting themselves off. Spencer has a twig stuck in the cuff of his shirt, and Brendon reaches out to brush it away. He touches the back of Spencer's hand, just a quick sweep of his thumb, then keeps his hands to himself, retying his tie and rebuttoning his buttons and keeping space between them as they walk back to their dorms.

pairing: spencer/brendon, fuzzy bunnies are so delicious, (something like a) picspam, sweatervests

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