A long while ago (so long, in fact, that I can't find the damn link to the damn entry. Where aaare youuu?) I was talking about how there should be a time-travel-for-maximum-hotness GSF, wherein all of Panic would come together (ahhahaha, see what I did there? hahaha... ha.) from various points in time where they were at their peak levels of attractiveness.
At the time, I said
this Brendon was the hottest. Brendon with the sassies,
For the record, I still don't know what the fuck a "sassy" is, but I trust Brendon to be able to describe his own haircut. Since I'm pretty sure he's the one who invented it in the first place.
I don't even know how he managed to come up with that haircut but
The point is, I have changed my mind. That is not actually maximum-hotness Brendon. Brendon from the last few months, Brendon. That's the one I want for the time travel GSF. Good god almighty. This level of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! has reached critical mass.
GAHHHH! Just-- Ack. So much
It's been going on for months now,
He was around for the That Green Gentleman video...
...and the Making Of DVD...
... and then also other times.
(Hint: Don't look at his smuchy face here. Look at his mouth.)
Do you know what the other best thing about this Brendon is? It is that he is not a teenager anymore! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
Even he still look really young. REALLY PRETTY THOUGH.
The awesome thing about liking a really young band is that they grow older, and then you can start feeling really good about yourself. Don't worry, Cab babies. That will happen to you, too.
That will be a happy day.
Now I don't have to feel guilty that, when I see pictures of Brendon's ass, I think om nom nom nom. Literally.
Do you think that there has been actually any human being who has managed to fuck Brendon without biting his ass, first? I mean, maybe -- maybe -- if he were on his back, but if he were on all fours? I'm pretty sure no human actually has willpower that strong.
I'd say we should have a pornomeme where people gnaw on Brendon's ass (or rim him, whatever. I'm such a teamplayer, you guys), but OMG, NO MORE MEMES. There's a new one every single day now.
My answers haven't really changed for the rest of them, though.
Jon kind of manages to consistently look like the same person, so it's not as much a certain time period Jon, so much as Jon with a beard in a t-shirt,
This counts because he's in a t-shirt (shhhhhhh). Why doesn't everyone use this picture when they're talking about bottom!Jon?
Yes, okay, he was jailbait when the picture was taken. BUT HE'S NOT ANYMORE.
This is actually my very favorite picture of Jon:
but he doesn't have a beard, so I'm not actually allowed to include it. :(
Arms. Arms and shoulders.
I'm not even going to post pictures of maximum-hotness Spencer. This is what he looks like now
and we just have to get used to it. :(
For a while I thought that maybe I'd be able to get used to be the beard
It is lucky I already decided it's canon that Spencer is good in bed. So, now I can just write porn and not look at pictures of him.
This Ryan is still maximum-hotness Ryan
His little faaaace.
Curly hair!
I actually really liked how the headbands looked on him. Too bad Spencer STOLE THEM ALL.
Is that a Long Island Ice Tea? Cuz those things are friggen delicious.
Look, two of the time-travel-for-maximum-hotness guys managed to show up in the same place at the same time
More of that, please.
I leave you with this
As it is the closest thing we currently have to the picture of what a maximum-hotness group shot would look like. ♥_♥
Here's a song that I really love:
David Usher, St. Lawrence River (live).