concerning canon endings.

Aug 10, 2010 15:14

I'm getting sick of explaining this stuff to people over and over, so I figure I may as well make a post in hopes of educating the masses. If nothing else, I'll be able to link back here instead of rewriting this over and over and over.

There seems to be a lot of confusion among the laymen/newcomers/anyone too lazy to buy the damn World Guidance book and read it/people who haven't given it serious thought about which ending to Yggdra Union is canon.

This is largely due to Atlus being uncreative in their translation choice, and seems to have confused a lot of people.


Ragnarok, the war between the gods and the demons that took place in the Dept. Heaven backstory, took place roughly one thousand years ago. This is true for all timelines, because time passes a little differently in every world. In Japanese, this Ragnarok is spelled "shinmasensou (神魔戦争)", or "war between the gods and the demons".

In the C and D endings of Yggdra Union, there is also a war that Atlus decided to call Ragnarok. A number of people have decided "Oh, this must be the Ragnarok they talked about in Riviera!", completely ignoring the fact that a series mainstay character dies in those endings, therefore making important events in Knights in the Nightmare and Riviera impossible. Please also note that in Japanese, this war is called "shinkaisensou (神界戦争)", or "war against the gods' world". They are completely different things.

Cut number one: The canon endings to all four canon games in the story thus far.

Blaze Union: A ending
Nobody should have to argue with this one. Without Garlot unsealing his blood and becoming Gulcasa, Yggdra Union's story becomes impossible.

Yggdra Union: A ending
Yggdra gives up the Gran Centurio to Marietta and goes back to Ancardia. Sting has stated that the B ending isn't canon, and out of the remaining endings, A is the only one where Marietta lives. She's ~just slightly~ important to the plot of Knights in the Nightmare and Riviera, so gee, I think we can put two and two together, hmm?

Knights in the Nightmare: A ending
Are we seeing a letter pattern here yet? In the A ending, Marietta goes back to Asgard with Ancardia in tow, after which she gets kicked out of Asgard and winds up joining forces with the demons and becoming one of the Accursed. Slightly important to the plot of Riviera, where she's a boss and her drop item is Ancardia.

Riviera: Rose's ending (unknown whether it's good or bad)
The Riviera timeline states that Ein returns to Asgard after the events of the game. Rose's ending is the only one where he does that. This is also the only game that doesn't list its endings by letter, but if it did, I bet this one would still count as the A end based on the above pattern...

While the official timelines don't give dates, which is frustrating, they still do give a coherent list of events (and say once and for all which endings are canon), so have them, too, under cuts two and three.

(I will add the year in places where Sting has given it to us.)

-Aries the Grim Angel is exiled

-Aries the Fallen learns how to use the "Power of Words"

-(Aries the Fallen continues to live because of immortality/through the use of transmigration)

-The dark ages begin due to the advent of Brongaa, Dragon of Purgatory

-The hero Gill defeats Brongaa

-Aries the Fallen completes the Gran Centurio and Tactics Cards

-Paltineas receives the Gran Centurio from Aries the Fallen

-Using the Gran Centurio, Paltineas becomes the first king of Fantasinia

(1470 M.D. - Gulcasa is born)

(1472 M.D. - Luciana Rune Artwaltz and Aegina Eine Artwaltz are born)

(1473 M.D. - Yggdra Yuril Artwaltz is born)

1487 M.D. - Gulcasa's coup d'etat. Bronquia is reborn as the New Bronquian Empire

1490 M.D.
-Karona is captured by Bronquia

-Fantasinia is conquered by Bronquia

-Yggdra flees to the south with the Gran Centurio

-The Royal Liberation Army recaptures Paltina; Yggdra is captured

-Gulcasa begins the "Rite of Soul Unbinding" at Galleon Prison

-Yggdra is crowned Queen in the holy land

-Yggdra kills her older sisters Luciana and Aegina in the city of Flarewerk

-Yggdra kills the awakened Gulcasa at Brongaa's altar

-Ancardia floats to the surface of the sea south of Bronquia. Yggdra kills Nessiah

-The Royal Army arrives at Heaven's Gate

-The archangel Marietta appears. Yggdra seals the Gran Centurio and receives the Scepter of Wisdom

-Ancardia is submerged again

-Yggdra chooses to rule her country through wisdom

-Ragnarok (shinmasensou) begins

-The Grim Angels are created

-At the end of Ragnarok, the gods fall

-The Seven Magi become the rulers of Asgard, and Riviera is claimed

-The Grim Angels are put into stasis

(the other games happen here)

-A Hades Gate is opened at Riviera, and the demons are discovered there

-Two angels (Ein and Ledah) are dispatched to Riviera

-Ein's party defeats Isher at Lacrima Castle

-Ein's party defeats Lindwurm at Nelde; Ein is reunited with Rose

-Ein's party defeats the Fallen Archangel [Marietta] at Tetyth

-Ein's party defeats the Dragon Zombie at Mireno

-Ein's party defeats Death at Mireno

-The path to Yggdral [Yggdrasil] is opened

-Ein's party defeats Malice within Yggdral

-The Grim Angel Ledah is murdered by Malice

-Ein's party defeats Hector in the Maze of Shadows

-Ein's party defeats Seth-Rah, the merged form of Hector and Seth. Seth disappears

-Peace returns to Riviera

-Ein returns to Asgard

-Rose becomes a historian and writes the record of Ein's battle

And there you have it.

Look upon the canon, ye confused, ye wankers. Then stop being confused and wanking. Please. It's getting a little annoying.

yggdra union, canon, riviera, public service announcement, information

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