Well, it's been decided I'm going to post my photos here, instead of having a million journals all over the place. I've made an icon to coincide with the photography entries, that way you know what the nature of the posts are from now on. To everyone who's friends with me over at
immune, just skip the first few entries, as you've already seen them!
Canon Rebel EOS XSN (35mm)
FujiFilm Finepix A210 (digital)
FujiFilm 400 Superia X-Tra (colour)
Ilford 400 HP5 Plus (black and white)
Kodak 400 TMax (black and white)
Printing Paper:
8"x10" Kodak Polycontrast IV RC (F-Glossy)
All black and white film is developed and then printed individualy by yours truly