Apr 04, 2006 07:02
holly christ on a cruch
that wind latse night was horabulll, it sounded like a frate trian and scared the shit out of me. espeshly when 1.4 of my awning got ripped of my trailer and landed on my roof.
my mom yeall alan the awnings gone. i was like shit wear did it go? did it land on my car or wors into the nabers trailer. well i went out looked saw it on the roof cas the tree cought it.
well later on teh wind blew it of to the ground and then fliped it and its leaning on the nabers porch now. i gess thats a safer place then were it was.. i left a note on teh nabers door tellin him it was ours. hes always ben kewl so i thinke he'll understand. and that ai'm wating on a friend of mine to help me but he dosnt get o work till 5..
so if any one out there has a sawsall and can lend me a hande befor then. that would rock or a few of you so we can cary it off the would work to. the things gota about 300+ lbs and is about 20 feet by 10 feet of aluminum.
if you know how to get a hold of me do so if not finde some one that can or jest e-mail me and i'll see what i can do