Feb 03, 2008 14:57
That last post got me thinking... What if all Cam XP awards were by Peer Review?
Circle of Love attempts to do this - but people can rig the circle and since there is only one award, this has little effect on everyone except the desire to compete or rig the circle more.
Maybe you all still get the one XP for attending - but then the rest of it is all based on what others say:
* Each player nominates ONE, and only one, OTHER player for anonymous XP - one for roleplaying, one for costuming, another for interaction (the distinction between these should be noted)
* Each NPC player nominates a number of players (based on a ratio of XP to players to NPCs, for instance 1:5:1, that is each NPC player gives out 1 XP per 5 players in the game, so long as there is only 1 NPC per 5 players).
* ST awards xp to each player that participated in his plot - no plot, no XP.
By that rationale - someone who did a good job playing character to impress the other players and participated with NPCs and plot, may pull 6 XP per game. Someone who really, really goes all out could pull more. Others who skirt the edges of the game may get one or two.
Just a thought. would need a lot of work though, but maybe...