Jul 04, 2004 01:26
Mother claimed no knowledge of that mysterious owl so in true Richard fashion I am ignoring it, until it blows up or starts yelling at me to do something about it. I've been in numerous meetings with the muggle police, which is oh so tedious and i've had to fend of owls from my beloved sister, begging me - yes, begging me to talk to Father after all these years, I know that this isn't out of any great love for me, but mainly because she wants me to save her ass so she doesn't have to get married as soon as she steps outside of Hogwarts. I dunno I owled Mother yesterday to see if she could set something up. I'm waiting for the reply.
Shit that was quick! Mother just owled, bloody thing crapped on the keyboard! yuck!
Anyways, gist of the letter is that I should present myself in Diagon Alley at the malleus maleficarum (restaurant) on Sunday at 7pm. Mother's thinking is that Father cannot make a scene in a public place. We'll see how it goes, I cannot owl him as the spell prevents anything sent by me being delivered to him, and I'm unable to find the Zabini house anymore, I have to visit via portkey, Damn Father and his unplottable charms - he really did mean to kick me out. Now all I have to do is convince him its better to have me back. Maybe he'll see sense, I've got a feeling that things are going to get nasty and he'll be glad of me. we'll see.
nb: Trixie, Darling - I don't think Blaise would ever find Harry Potter attractive, i doubt she could be that desperate!