Essay, Flist, Post Office

Jan 09, 2010 16:56

Firstly, sorry, Flist, for being crap at replying to entries the last few days. I'm woefully behind on my flist at the moment, due to the fact that I'm meant to be writing an essay. Its an essay on American literature, specifically The American Dream in The Great Gatsby, Death of a Salesman and Of Mice and Men. Its a shame, because I don't know much at all about American history. Its a good job my housemate grew up in America and was able to give me a Brief History or I'd be screwed! So if anyone has any fascinating insight into that period of American history/literature, please share!!!

Also, the postman tried to deliver a package containing my new phone on Weds but we were at work. Usually I have stuff delivered to work, but because its an expensive phone they would only ship it to my billing address. So I arranged with the online post office service for them to redeliver it today, on my day off. I got confirmation and everything. And its nearly 5pm and its still not arrived. I'm worried (where is it???), pissed off (its the only time during the week I can sign for it!), and cold. I've had to sit in the kitchen all day so I'll hear them knock on the door and, despite the heating being on, its FREEZING! On the website it says they'll deliver between 7am and 6pm, but I've never ever had anything delivered so late as 6pm. WHERE IS MY PHONE?? /rant

oh its just real life ignore it, essay, fail

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