Broken Homes and Shining Mansions

May 25, 2004 15:23

Enough of all this promoting communities bullshit. Let's break it down.

Why do we act the way we do? Are humans just animals that react according to their basic instincts? Do they grow with outside influence? Are instincts replaced with traits? If a man is backed into a corner, he'll become feral and fight to free himself. If the same man is put through a peaceful reconciliation course, and put in the same situation, does he behave differently? What if he's put through martial arts training? Do traits break down into instincts? Instinctually, a person's life is their #1 concern. If that's true, what about people who jump in front of cars/bullets to save other people, even complete strangers? Do they lack basic instincts? In the instant where there can be no thought, it's either live or die, they choose to die for someone else. That is not instinctual. That is being selfless.

Wouldn't it be grand if we could all be so divinely giving? To imitate Mel Gibson's portrayal of Jesus in the Passion. But again, that would require ALL people to be satisfied with what they've earned honestly and by the law. Tangent alert!

Okay, back to traits and instincts. I feel that instincts are simply a foundation. The morals, ethics, and traits taught and learned in life build the edifice in which your decisions reside. What does your Ethic Tower look akin to? Is it a shabby apartment, crushed from within by it's dark memories? Or a glorious palace, gilded and shining from its seeming ability to repulse grime? Or is it an illusion? A crumbling ruin that has a fresh coat of industrial fix-it-all paint thrown on it every week to hide the brokenness.

But no matter your architecture, when all is broken away, the foundation remains. When the guy runs out of the house to save his own skin at the risk of his family' little did it take to break down to the foundation? As opposed to those trained and bred to protect ALL life. When U.S. soldiers use their training to protect the downtrodden citizens of wherever, their decisions concerning life and death are coming from the top floor of their tower which I would imagine atop a shining white castle. But like any tower, it can be broken down...eventually reduced to rubble. And when this happens, there are those who will recall the plans and rebuild, and those who give in to their animal "foundational" instincts. Hence, shell shock and PTSD. stuff to randomly delve into. Like most of my entries, I didn't know where this was going when I started typing, and don't know if I really finished any thoughts I started. If you don't like my randomness, I say to you, "The riches of the yeast in which your discourse renders null and avoided have forever been forgotten in an endless dream of numbing sleep."

Grotesquely gorgeous,
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