Title: Today, The Sun's On Us
Author: Hanabi Reeza [
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama, Romance
Pairing: JaeMin
Word Count: 317 words
Disclaimers: These delicious boys are not mine. Boo.
Summary: ChangMin loves waking up to the smell of breakfast coupled with a tinge of JaeJoong. (for
** crossposted at
hug______ and
_starcandy Author's Notes: I finished this a few days back and I really wanted to post this early, however school had been so much like hell lately with all the requirements to be passed. Nevertheless, I offer JaeMin as a peace offering to
theresa_lynne. Just because. xD The entire thing may seem a bit weird and ambiguous, but it's meant to be like that. ^^; That said, enjoy~
Today, The Sun’s On Us
Wake me up before you go.
It is a few minutes past five in the morning and JaeJoong wakes up from his peaceful slumber. His right hand searches for his mobile phone and he successfully finds it some few seconds after. He wears his bunny slippers - they are Rabbit ones, the character from Winnie the Pooh. He is ready to go.
It doesn’t take him a minute to go down to the kitchen and think of what to whip up for breakfast. The refrigerator dictates him to cook French toast since there’s an ample amount of egg and there are a lot of partly-frozen slices of bread in one of the containers inside the refrigerator. He takes the ingredients out, does some mixing here and there, and finally cooks.
At around fifteen minutes past five in the morning, JaeJoong is nowhere to be found.
ChangMin wrinkles his nose when he feels a cat licking his face - something that he considers rare since he’s more accustomed to dogs licking people’s faces. His eyes immediately search for his bedside clock - it is seven in the morning and he is late for breakfast, he thinks, because his all his hyung have this tendency to not wake him up early so that they could eat more than he could.
He grumbles before slipping his slippers on and pads to the kitchen. The cat follows.
His nose catches the scent of something fragrant. His senses instinctively identify the scent as that of French toast topped with cheese and bacon, and he hears his stomach grumble in appreciation of the scent. The cat climbs up to his shoulders as he goes down the stairs, but he doesn’t really mind.
There is a note beside the feast that is waiting for him on the kitchen table, and a smile makes its way to his lips upon reading the note.
Come back.
And he does.