Thus ends the third activity check!
The following characters have failed to post their activity to the AC posts:
byhook0rbycrookdisbelievedseer You may re-app the character if you wish, however you must do new writing samples and a penalty section of "greatest desire"(and greatest fear if you were not required to fill that out the first time you apped). However, the rest of your application may stay the same as your old one.
If you want to app a character who has been dropped, please take in note there will be CR and an AU history possibly already set up. Please contact one of the mods for further details!
Alright, considering school is starting up for everyone, I have decided, with the other mods, to modify AC and how they are run.
First off: AC will be every Two months, YES. EVERY TWO MONTHS
Second off: Taking in consideration it is going to be every two months, there will be a slight increase (SLIGHT) in expected activity!
Third off: After the first month there will be a MINI AC check(nothing really terribly formal), and if your character has had NO activity in a month they will be dropped.
With that in mind! The NEW RULES!
School Schedule Activity Check Rules:
jsyk ;)
1. One post in the main comm a month(this can be substituted for a LOG post). (that means TWO for AC check)
2. At least three threads where your character makes more then 5 comments outside of their own entry.
3. If you are on Hiatus you must make it
4. If you were warned previously and are warned another time, your character will be dropped, with review.
5. If you want to re-app a dropped character you will have to fill out any newly added sections of the application, rewrite your two samples, and fill out a penalty section greatest desire.
6. If you re-app, and then end up on the warning list again, you will be dropped, no questions asked.
So, the next informal, make sure you have been doing something, AC will be on September 19th!
The next activity check will be starting October 1st ending on October 15th. Keep an eye out for it you guys!
EDIT TO ADD! Clarification on the Hanky Panky Policy!
Didn't want to make a wholeee new post just for this! However, we have decided, since a few questions have come up privately, to clarify the Hanky-Panky policy.
First and foremost, this is a PG-13 RP, if it doesn't belong in an average Disney film, it does not belong on our main/log comms. This isn't because we do not appreciate anything more adult, this is for the comfort level of the RP and the players within it as a whole! We don't want to scare anyone off or make anyone feel that they are obligated to play out something they don't want to!
So, from now on, the official HP policy is thus, flirting, suggestion AKA PG 13 stuff is fine, but if you want to go beyond that please stop the scene there and continue in your private journal! :) It can be understood a couple is intimate with out any of this happening, of course, however anything you do want to play out, should stay private. If you want to link something to the OOC so others may look feel free. All we ask is that you give fair warning to what you are linking too.
The same goes for anything that will be played out that is graphically violent.