(no subject)

Dec 04, 2006 04:35

I am going through major Supernatural withdrawl. I crave new episodes. Or at least clear caps from past ones so I can continue icon making.

Anywayy, Christmas season is pretty much here. And the post offices around here really aren't very reliable, so I need to get my packages out FAST. (Like 'Byss-bum's..which is from his birthday. Ugh, I suck. x_x) But yes, I'm going to get all of my packages out this week. Or at least his. I promise that.

I just finished watching "The Beach," and I must say, it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. Actually, it was an alright movie. The ending I rather liked, to tell the truth. Ha, though wow. It was so obvious that it was a Danny Boyle film. It had so many of his typical 'trademark' camera shots and themes. It made me laugh.
But yes, I'd say give the movie a chance. It really wasn't that bad.

ps. If I see one more spoiler for the upcoming Supernatural episodes, my head is going to explode.

That is all.

christmas, the beach, supernatural, movies, 'byss

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