This current phase is only a stopover/intersection from the journey of my life. Sebenernya nulis post ini juga aku terinspirasi dari lagu Arashi. Lagu yang hari ini lagi aku dengerin (banget sampai diulang-ulang) itu lagu "途中下車 (Tochuugesha)" dan "Time Capsule" sayang, lagu-lagu ini cuma dimainin satu kali di konser. Yang Tochuugesha pas "2004 Arashi! Iza, Now Tour!!" kalau yang Time Capsule pas "Arashi 10-11 Tour "Scene": Kimi to Boku no Miteiru Fūkei - Dome". Semoga nanti lebih sering lagi dimasukkin, semoga banget dimainin pas lagi 5x15 dong haha #berharapbolehbukan.
Aku suka Arashi juga sebenernya awalnya karena lagu-lagu mereka yang bisa buat aku semangat lagi. Wajar sih, waktu aku suka Arashi itu sekitar 3 SMA Semester 2. Bayangkan! Lagi ujian banyak-banyaknya dan butuh motivasi banget saat itu XD And Arashi, with their song, comes to my life :)) Their song tells us about a story of a lifetime. A song about hope, broken dreams, believing (in ourselves), dan masih banyak lagu lagi yang menurutku sangat sangat inspiratif. Kalau di translate ke Bahasa Indonesia emang lagu-lagunya agak cabai sih. Tapi kalau udah Translate-an yang English, wah banyak banget quote yang bisa aku ambil. Untuk kali ini aku mau bahas singkat dua lagu Arashi dulu;
Now, the courage I believe in lets my soul shine
But it's something I should gently wrap up and protect
If we get so far apart from each other that I'd forget your name
Then I'll take off my neck-tie and make a stopover here
You know, in life, (or maybe it's just for me, idk hehe) when you're worn-out from chasing your goals/dreams; when you're too tired to go on; too tired of believing. It's okay. You can take a break. Whether from your goals; or dreams. On the other hand, sometimes, we're too absorbed into chasing our dreams to the point where we forgot ourselves. When that happens, we can make a stopover for awhile. Remembering ourselves; our purposes; people's kindness that always encourage us whenever we're feeling down. After that, go get ourselves back, and continue our journey. Keep running towards it. Hope do exists.
Time Capsule
The dream to someday become an astronaut And also the dream to be a baseball player
I wonder where they got lost In the middle of those days I got preoccupied by
If we open the time capsule and take the things that we’ve found
I’ll be sure to meet you again with a smile on my muddy face
It tells us about childhood, friendship, dreams, and many other things blend in altogether. And why for most of the time, we didn't end up becoming the kind of grown-ups we dreamt we would be. When is it got lost from our sight. But, the point is, whoever you are right now, there are people who will always remember who you were, and will be beside you reminiscing about the old days with a smile.
*all translation credits to yarukizero ❤
Mungkin aku bakal share my thoughts tentang lagu-lagu Arashi yang lain berhubung masih sangat sangat banyak lagu-lagu Arashi yang aku suka hehe. Tapi sekarang ini dulu. I'm now focusing on my Final Exams first hehe. Night!