So, this time I present you another challenge I decided to take! Kanda & Miranda, from D gray man. There is not a lot of icons with those two put together, so I decided to make these 10 lyric icons. It is one of my favourite pairings and I hope you all like them as well!
hara_reitaSubject: Kanda & Miranda
Fandom: D. Gray Man
Lyrics: "Doomsday" by Gackt
Set: N/A
Credits: community info
here, fanarts by miracom.
Critiques: Sure!
Like that day, like that time
Once more I whisper your name
The beautiful moon smiles
The dream you can't awake from
Before falling asleep
Does it reach you now?
The final voice is erased
Softly embraced by the moon
While I cry over our unforgivable sins
I wait for you to return
Textless banner
Lyrics (English Translation) Gackt - Doomsday
The beautiful moon smiles
Laughing in the quiet night
Once more, I whisper
Your name...
The cold wind is dancing
On the scattered glass
I wait for you to return
Before falling asleep...
My shouting voice echoes,
I embrace your unforgivable sins...
I saw your dream,
The dream you can't awake from
While leaning against the windowsill
Softly embraced by the moon
Your shouting voice is interrupted
My unforgivable sins go on...
Your heart, your arms, your voice...everything
I hold you who I love too much, until we love each other, until we go crazy
Over and over I destroyed...
Does it reach you now?
His kind voice
Can you see?
Your arms, dyed red...
Trembling, the final voice is erased
While I cry over our unforgivable sins
Fleeting dreams, sad dreams, painful dreams announce the end
Into kind dreams, into lovely dreams, like that day
Like that time...
1.It'd be nice if you leave a comment, it's cool to know what people think about our graphics
2.Credit is not necessary, but it'd be also cool.
3.If you credit, please credit as
dirugasm or
4.You can modify the icons, as long as you ask first. Not personal, but good manners are always welcome
5.If you want to request something or be an affiliate, please comment
6.You can watch or friend the community to keep updates.
7.Don't claim them as yours or we'll chase you with shotguns.
That's all, thank you! ^^