Vacation continued

Jul 30, 2008 20:31

So, today we got up and went to the university to have a luncheon with our sister's program and to view the results of their research. Before that we blew an hour at Barnes and Noble where I bought a Japanese-English dictionary, the translated Battle Royale novel, Stephen King's Pet Sematary, and the second book in the Mistborn trilogy (by my absolute favorite Author Brandon Sanderson who wrote Elantris, the best book in existence. Sanderson is also completeing Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time series seeing as the author passed away recently before finishing). The research was pretty cool. Afterwards we went back to Grandad Bluff because our sister hadn't gone yet. It was definitely clearer today, less haze. Very beautiful.
Then we went to the drive-in again. Our youngest sister found her stuffed animal that she lost on Sunday because it must have fallen out of the car when we were there the first time. Then, our middle sister spilled her rootbeer float and immediately through a crying fit for 15 minutes for absolutely no reason... We then stopped again at the Lock and Dam where there were several barges passing through, but we only stayed to watch one round of passing before we all were sick of the sun and the small annoying bugs. It was still pretty awesome. The kids wanted to return to the hotel to swim, of course. We got back and while they got ready I ran over to the gas station to get me some caffeine.

Tomorrow we are returning to the shrine... oh goody. This time I have already warned my parents that I will only go up to see the inside of the shrine and will return to the car to read Pet Sematary. They agreed as long as I go to see the inside of the shrine. I really don't care that we are going back, I just prefer to not have to go through it all again. I'll go for the experience (even though it is no different than Holy Hill near Milwaukee which brings back some hilarious memories). I will enjoy my time getting a chance to read more of Pet Sematary. Then we will go to Eau Claire to check into our new hotel until Saturday.

Now, a little tangent regarding Holy Hill. It's basically another church on a hill with the same kind of set up with a stations walk and everything. I've only been there twice, once in 8th grade and another time for some mandatory youth convention for confirmation (the ceremony for being recognized as an adult in the church, which I only did out of fear of my parents being disappointed in my lack of faith). Basically me and a bunch of other kids skipped out on the whole thing and walked through the woods nearby for several hours, especially because we couldn't put up with some white religious rapper guy and his take on "I am a Caflic, C-A-F-L-I-C"

Anyways, back to the here and now. I can't stand when my dad is driving... He always finds something to complain about or an excuse for his mistakes. When he was driving relatively slow and was holding up someone else behind us and they started yelling, my dad started complaining about how he couldn't believe it... I however was sitting there in complete disagreement because I had realized that my dad was definitely going at like a snail's pace (10 mph under the limit).
He always blames signs for any confusion that he has, or when we frantically try to get him to change lanes, to which he complains about people not giving him enough room to fill in, when he doesn't even have his flipping blinker on! When we needed to find a Walgreens or store for a water bottle he made a suggestion that we try by the Barnes and Noble that we went to earlier, and I said that the B&N was in the complete opposite direction that we were going, then he complained and asked what point I was trying to make, to which my mom cleared things up for him and then he said that she was being touchy, when he was really the one being unreasonable.

I dunno... It just bugs me, and that's why I prefer to drive on my own (or at least be the one driving with people in the car).

Time to end transmission for today. I'm going to get started on Pet Sematary (because I only got through the author intro before).

May the lord's peace be wif you. xDDD

I kid, I kid...

Peace out. Ending transmission....
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