Well Lorena got pissed at me *still don't know the reason -sigh-* and now we're cool but I'm a little unsure. My best friend died early this morning and when I found out Lorena was mad my barriors came crashing down and I had a crying breakdown. She said she didn't care I cried that I was just childish and should be hit by a car I was this ---- close to jumping off the roof and let me tell you LIFE DOES FLASH! serious I saw my kindergarden teacher ^_____^ lol anyway I'm not dead am I? ^^ Well I guess me and her are cool. I had a trip it was THE BEST! It was MIssion to Mars and I was the DATA team in The Mars Control Team and I had to type messages and send them to teams and than print incoming messages from the Mars Transport Vechiel team and run to the other sections and deliver them and to locate 3 things on Mars on a Map ^_^ and than we switched sides so than we had cameras round us and Danny put one on Rafael and he was shaking his ass while we cracked UP! and I could only see my hand so I kept going SWOOSH!!!!!! around my friend Alex's head in the Camera! and than Nick came to me and was like Type Hi Matt in the Isolation Team so making sure the commander wasn't near I typed it and sent it and than I recieved a message like Don't send things that say hi Matt XD LMAO! I was DYING! and Nick kept the paper as a sovenior ^-^ and than on the bus me and christina were acting like OH DARLING ^_______^ so i was like JUMP! KISS! and glomped her and like kissed her hair and she was like laughing so hard and was like *shifty eyes* *puts finger to lips* shhhhhhh ^_^ and alex was like XD stupid! and they threw chewed gum and landed in Melissa's lap i was like OMFG EW and laughing! and we were all like doing our math homework and I was like ANIKA!!!!!! CELL PHONE! I want teh calculator of knowledge XD she was like.... Here you go my child of stupidity. and i was like NUH HUH ISH THE CHILD OF DUMBASS YOU DUM BASS yes dum BASS XD anyway it was fun my and christina were singing to the radio That song from Kevin Lyttle we were like LET ME HOLD YOU COME CARESS MY BODDDDDDDY YOU GOT ME GOING CRAZZZZZZZZZIIIIIII YOU TURN ME ON TURN ME ONNNNN! and the bus was like LMAO!!!!! Boy did I have mad fun! Hope everyone else had a good day and now my thing I stole that I call
Stolen from kuroi_yousei. Do a google image search for the answer to each of these questions, then paste the first image that pops up as an answer without saying what you searched for.
Where were you born?
Where do you live now?
What is your name?
What is your nickname?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite drink?
What is your favorite band?
What is your favorite scent?
What are your favorite shoes?
^_^ Those shoes are teh best I want them but I cant get them!