Mobile QnA 11/26/2011

Nov 30, 2011 08:21

Mobile QnA 11/26/2011

Translated by Risu at

Subject: For Shinya-san
What was the cause of Shinya-san’s addiction to home electronics?

I’ve only bought new models of mobile phones and computers soon after they are released even from before so I’m not really addicted to home electronics.

I’ve been also told that I always buy Apple products because they are Apple products but incidentally I am currently using Apple products now so I’ve always bought it since before. Even so Apple is the greatest!

Subject: For Toshiya-san
I really love Toshiya-san! I am proud to be a DIR EN GREY fan!
Is there a book that you are reading and recommend? Also what about it do you recommend?

Toshiya: I am currently reading “The Sky Crawlers”.

Subject: For Die-san
During the tour what food did you think was delicious?

Die: Shiki no An.

Subject: For Kaoru-san
Please tell us about the features of your new guitar’s that appeared during this

Kaoru: It’s obvious.

Subject: For Kyo-san
Was there something that Kyo-san attained during this tour? I was brought to tears when I saw Kyo-san sing and I definitely want to see a live again!

Kyo: I was reminded again of definitely not making any compromise as a singer even if I would sacrifice something.

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