member diaries 11/04/2009

Nov 04, 2009 00:19

Translated by Risu at OC

Houston continued

[picture of the outside of the tour bus with a small trailer attached to it]

[another picture of the tour bus showing the small trailer behind it]

The exterior of the bus.
The desolate looking building that you can see behind the bus is the studio...(wry smile)

[picture of Toshiya's bass in the rack]

[picture of Toshiya's ampheads (Ampeg SVT-2PRO) along with his Expro tuner and Ampeg cabinet. There is coke can sitting on the amp]

[picture of Die's equipment with the Diezel head, Mesa Boogie cabinet witha can of coke on top of the guitar case]

Before the tour that will start from tomorrow, in order to check the equipment we did a sound check at the studio

[picture of a broken vacuum tube alongside a working one]

[picture of the amp head showing the tubes]

As expected, they discovered something wrong with the vacuum tubes.
Since we don't know what might happen, if speaking of the tour's thrill then it is a thrill, but checks in order for the tour to go smoothly is essential!

Well, I will do my best on the US tour from tomorrow!!


blog diary entries - toshiya

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