I have to admitt this was alot of fun....on the last one I had no clue what I was doing....and I satill loved it.....stole all of them from rachel....love you baby.....well I had sergery and I feel like crap.....almost outta pain medicine....that sux because I have a long ways to go before its gonna be bearable.....well here you go.....Bai Bai!!XD
You are- Humane Yoshiki!!
Wow, you've got some stamina man, I don't think I
could put up with all that crap everyday, I got
some real respect for ya!
What Yoshiki are you?? brought to you by
Quizilla You are: MIYAVI'S FUZZY HAT!! Oh my god, you are
the most comfortable looking hat I have ever
WARM!! You lucky lucky hat you! He probably
used you as a pillow! You are sooo fuzzy and
soooft!!!GOOD HAT GOOD!
Which One of Miyavi's Hats are You? brought to you by
Quizilla KYO! You are sooo....gah!! ::glomp::
Which Dir en Grey guy are you most like????!! WELL LET ME TELL YOOOU!! brought to you by
Quizilla Shuya Nanahara- You are Shuya Nanahara or Wild
Seven. You are Sweet and Kind and an all around
good guy. Right from the begining you refuse to
play the game and, ignoring a few accidents,
are mostly spared from killing anyone. Your
main priority is to protect the ones you love
and you will go to extream lengths to to keep
them safe. You also end up surviving the game
and getting to take someone special with you,
so I would say you did a pretty damn good job,
You sweet sweet thing you!
Who's Your Battle Royale Alter Ego? brought to you by