(no subject)

Jun 03, 2007 19:40

[ prompt table for 100quills]

Title: Ice Cream or Death
Author: elenaface. dirtyxemoxkid
Rating: T
Prompt: (#39) hunger.
Prompt Set: 100.1
Summary: Hermione is having cravings and Draco is not listening to her.
Warnings: er...a couple of swear words.
Notes: dedicated to Sarah, because she picked my prompts! I love her loads! each line is a switch between diagolue if not specified.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything, it's all J.K. Rowling's.

Hermione huffed and shoved the sleeping blonde next to her, who yelped and nearly fell off of the bed. She could not get to sleep at all, staring over the massive mound that was her stomach. "Draco!" She whined, looking over at him. "I want some ice cream. Please? Can you go and get it for me?" The blonde gave her a dirty look, climbed back into bed. She pouted and shoved him again, but he wouldn't budge. "Dracooo!" She said, getting up and kneeling next to him, shaking him. "Please? Come on, if I could go and get it, I would. Draco!" She was still pouting and when the blonde merely waved a hand at her, she huffed. A sharp pain ran through her stomach. "Ow! Look, now I'm going to die of starvation. Go get me some ice cream..." She shook him with each word.

"No..." He mumbled, turning on his side and nodding off. He had learned to tune this out for nights on end - she never died or anything like that. So, there was nothing for Draco to sincerely worry about. He just let her babble continuously, talking on whatever subjects she wished.

"If I die here, I'm going to tell everyone it was your fault because you wouldn't get me any ice cream. I'm pregnant, damnit! This thing is yours! You're not even being a good father, go get me ice cream. Not to mention you aren't being a good husband because I want ice cream and you won't get me any." There was a pause.

"There is none left..." She kicked him.

"There is so! You were eating it almost three hours ago!" She shrieked at him, shaking him wildly. Her curls were being thrown wildly back and forth until she stopped, taking a breath. It was still silent. She figured Draco was processing her talking in slow, sleepy rates. She almost because tapping her fingers and waiting for him to answer here.

"But Hermione, it was twelve o clock three hours ago. It's late. Go to sleep. Eat ice cream in the morning." She huffed and flipped over, turning away from him. He pulled her over to him, turning her to face him. "Honestly, love. Go to sleep, you need it. And if you were really hungry, you wouldn't ask me to get you things. You hardly do that for anything else anyway." He kissed her forehead before going back to sleep.

"Water!" She shrieked, almost rolling out of the bed. Draco caught her by the shoulders, stopping her from rolling completely out of the bed and injuring herself or the baby.

"You can have water tomorrow. Calm down."

"No, Draco! Water! My...water! Eeeee!" She shrieked, flailing her legs because Draco was holding onto her arms and she wanted to get out of the bed.

It took him a while. "Water...oh god. The baby. Your water. Shit." He rolled off of his side of the bed, shirtless and clad in a pair of boxers and leaned over to her, scooping her up and carrying her into the bathroom. "Baby bag stuff is under the cabinet, you get that. I'll apparate in a second." Draco returned to their room in a frantic rush, pulling a t-shirt over his head and throwing on a pair of pants. He came back into the bathroom, where Hermione was clutching the bag and contorting her face in painful striations. He picked her up and then apparated to the Hospital.

They did not allow Draco in the room for the first fifteen minutes of the preparation for labor. Instead, they spent that time checking him for weapons, (although who had time to stock up on weapons when their wife was giving birth?) sterilizing him, and giving him instructions on what to do. After they finished this prep, Draco was allowed into the room. He spotted the baby's head and its arms were starting to show. He walked over to Hermione, who was sweating slightly and trying not to cry out loudly from the pain. He took her hand and she calmed down a bit as his rested his other hand on her forehead, pushing her hair away from her face.

They took the baby after it was born and Draco was ushered out for a moment as they cleaned up and moved Hermione into new clothes and a new room. The nurse directed him into the room she was in. The beeping of the IV was steady as he walked over, a smile on his face. He brushed her cheek gently with his hand, looking at her affectionately. "It was a girl." He told her with a smile. "What do you think?"

Hermione simply pulled her lowered gaze to meet his and said, "I'm hungry."

prompt table 100.1, draco/hermione 100.1

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