Would we REALLY want THEM, on our

Oct 11, 2009 15:53

Since I am a Butch woman, and since this subject seems to come up quite often in Femme/Butch circles I thought I would address it here. The subject of which I am speaking is often referred to as the "flight of the Butch  lesbian", the flight being Butch women who "transition" into faux "men".
As an expert who fully understands the issues that put women on the road to trannifying and as someone who has written extensively on the subject previously, I will only touch upon those issues with this particular post.

In a nutshell, the majority of lesbians who "transition" are NOT Butch lesbians, but tweener dykes calling themselves "butch" out of ignorance, envy and confusion. And ya cant get more confused than believing you are something that you are not, which makes the slide into trannifying all the more easy for these women! Thats not to say there aren't plenty O Butch women who trannify as well, sadly there is. The primary reason any lesbian trannifies though is plain and simple  misogyny. There are a host of other pathological disorders that also contribute to trannification based on the personal histories of each woman's life.

But whether we are talking about specific Butch women or other lesbians who "transition", let me ask you this: Given that we ALL suffer under  patriarchal systems that harm us as women, given that we ALL have internalized misogyny, given that we ALL have had our share of difficult personal histories, not all of us "transition"! In fact most of us do not, nor would we even contemplate such nonsense! Imagine the fucked upness, the absolute HATE HATE HATRED of women and women's bodies these "transitional" women hold!!!!!!

Even if they did not "transition" are these the women, the lesbians, we as radical lesbians would really want on our team????

My personal response is a big FUCK NO!

dirt-a Butch who loves HERself and other WOmen!

the dirtster!
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