i have a short attention span

Jan 22, 2006 17:33

and i apparently decided to write some drabbles. and umm...i guess i thought i'd post them here? because i felt bad about posting them elsewhere? eh, fuck i don't know. they are, surprise surprise, mostly csi with some really random ones thrown in. and *shifty eyes* one romanticized smutty attempt because i'm working up to the geekfiction *coughsmut-a-thoncough*. ANYWAY. they are below for your entertainment. the theme?


Brown - Wool - CSI - Grissom w/implied GSR - G

In the back of Grissom’s closet, behind the winter clothes he never used and the formal shoes rarely worn, there was a carefully wrapped package. Leaving the duvet in the guest room, he had long ago put a tan wool blanket inside. Perhaps not so long ago - not so long that the blanket still smelled of her and shared coffee. Not so long ago that she could pause just a moment with her arm over his shoulders.

These days the duvet rests in its plastic capsule and the wool blanket rests neatly folded across the foot of his bed.

Black - Adventure - Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade - Marcus/Henry Jones Sr. - G

Henry’s head was cradled between Sallah’s hands and knees, the salt and pepper beard standing out against the pallor of Henry’s skin. Marcus swallowed convulsively, remembering Henry’s jubilant face hours before. He’d always wanted to go with Henry, to share in the academic adventures. To share his life, his heart.

And now he was finally on an adventure with Henry. The sights were limited to the red seeping into the tattered shirt, the sweat gathered above the still black eyebrows and a head gently cradled by hands other than Marcus’.

Marcus offered up a prayer and took Henry’s hand.

White - War - CSI - Sara/Grissom - M

“Wait until you see the whites of their eyes”, that’s what the heroes in war movies always said. That, and “steady”. Sara uttered a gasp as Grissom’s deft fingers delved into her cleft and began to stroke gently. She wasn’t steady. Grissom nuzzled her neck, working his way to a sensitive ear as her hands roamed his body.

She drew his hand away and silenced his dissent with her lips as she caressed the length of his dick. She moaned a little as she guided him in, their eyes met as their thighs did the same.

“Let’s not wait anymore.”

Gold - Alloy - CSI - Brass - G

“You’ve got a real heart of gold, you know that?” the cuffed woman sneered at Brass as he ducked her head down into the patrol car.

“Actually,” he pointed to his name on the badge, “it’s an alloy of copper and zinc. You can look up ‘alloy’ when you get downtown.” He shut the door and thumped the roof of the car twice before turning to the amused CSIs next to him.

“Gee Jim,” Sara drawled, “I didn’t know that you had an interest in metallurgy.”

“I wonder who might’ve told me that.”

Grissom just shrugged and smiled.

Silver - Counting Game - CSI - Sara/Grissom - G

Sara sipped her coffee absently, a magazine forgotten in her lap. From the couch, her eyes narrowed as she counted the threads of silver in Grissom’s beard. Trouble was, she kept getting sidetracked by the curve of his lips or the gentle creases by his eyes. His hand briefly obscured her vision and she had to start over. One, two, three…. Grissom stood and Sara busied herself in her article only to feel a small tug at her scalp.

Sara looked up to meet Grissom’s gaze on a long silver hair held delicately between his fingers.

“Your first one.”

Pink - Working It - CSI - Warrick - G

Warrick was used to the murmurs when he walked into a crowded bar. Murmurs and no few admiring, and sometimes downright inviting, looks. It was a bit of a surprise to create that kind of stir around the lab, however. After people adjusted to his ‘do and seeing the top three buttons of his shirt undone, he got more comments if he covered up.

He adjusted the cuffs of his shirt and checked his collar before shrugging and heading into locker room. “S’up?” he greeted Greg and sat down. Greg looked him over and said, “Nice pink shirt man.”

Red - Cherry Drop - CSI - Sara - PG

Sara paused in photographing the playground, her gaze caught by the staggered bars. She remembered hanging upside down from them as a child, arms and hair swaying as she tried to work up the guts to do a cherry drop. Most of the girls in her class had already mastered the dismount.

Sweaty palms had clenched the bar before she released her legs as she swung and dropped - onto her face. Later, she had winced as the school nurse disinfected the cut on her cheek, the gauze turning red. “I fell,” she said. And for once it was true.

Orange - Comedians - CSI - Nick/Greg - G

“Okay, okay, I’ve got one. There are two sausages in a frying pan, and one rolls over and says to other, ‘Man. Is it hot in here, or is it just me?’ And the other sausage goes, ‘Ahh!’” Nick held his hands to cheeks before continuing, “‘A talking sausage!’”

Greg laughed and said, “Alright. You’ve brought this upon yourself. Knock knock.”

“Who’s there?”


“Banana who?”

“Knock knock.”

“Who’s there?”

“Orange you glad I cut this joke short?”

“Why don’t I show you how glad I am….”

No more jokes were told but there was still laughter.

Yellow - Daisies - CSI - Catherine - G

Catherine remembered tickling Lindsey’s feet with daisies while humming “You are my sunshine”. She remembered Lindsey’s hands reaching for yellow center of the daisy, reaching for the sun and giggling.

Catherine remembered Lindsey coming home from third grade and announcing that each petal on a daisy was a flower. “When you get daisies, you’re getting hundreds of flowers Mom. Hundreds.”

Catherine remembered daisy chains crowning Lindsey’s head on a hot summer day, the water coalescing on glasses of lemonade.

She wondered when Lindsey had stopped liking daisies, when she stopped seeing the sun - but Lindsey was always her sunshine.

and apparently there will be green, blue and purple to come. aren't you thrilled?


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