Feb 07, 2007 20:12
it's creeping up on me, i can feel it. i can feel the tickle in my throat. here comes a 3 week long cold, which is exactly what i need now. i've got an unbelievable amount of work tonight. why did i make thursdays my shit days? at least tomorrow's ep of the office and grey's anatomy will cheer me up. after tomorrow night, i'll be relieved for one night before i have to start stressing over my psych midterm. i'm thinking of heading home this weekend since i have nothing to do here. except i'm afraid i'll be even more distracted at home. going home just reminds me of high school, and high school was full of fail. i don't care if that phrase doesn't make sense. lost is on in less than an hour. i have about five hours of work to do tonight, if not more. i'm nervous for my presentation because i tend to freak last minute. and all i'm talking about is television ratings. hearing my voice echo through a room isn't exactly heartwarming.
haha, i'm doing something the night of valentine's day. is it weird to say that? to me, it's not going to be any different. yeah, i'll want to put a plastic bag over my head when i see all the couples at the loft, but hey, free portugal. the man show. and the fall of troy. it's worth it. i've moved past wondering, "what if." get ready for the cliche: it's just another chapter of my life that i've finished. over and done. i've kind of entered a period of wandering. ok, that's gotta come from something. i've changed. nobody can say that i haven't.