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Apr 30, 2007 17:34

Year 3 of college is on the verge of ending and it couldn't have come any sooner. I am very glad that it's here but at the same time it's very bittersweet. The fact that i am a year away from "life" frightens the hell out of me, partly because i have no direction as of now as to where i want to be in say, 10 years. I know that i want to pursue dentistry but as fickle as my mind is, there is a good chance that that might change. Who knows. This year has brought about so much more than i could have asked for. I think that in many ways this year has taught me how to manage my time better and multitask. If i were to rate this year as a whole i'd prolly have to give it a C+.
I know i've fallen on my face many times but every time i did my best to get back up and try again, perhaps somethings that i lost will never be able to be re-gained but what this year has taught me is, "that's life" Roll with everything and do what you find best in your heart. Don't listen to what others believe or think the outcome should be, take that extra effort figure it out for yourself. Discover what you want. Get yours! It might seem selfish but it is so important that you take time out for yourself. If you don't everything going on around you will probably fluster you so much that you'll have no idea what's going on or what you might be missing out.
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