So I really don't have a lot of time to waste this month with my classes, but I will of course waste a lot of time anyways for the sake of procrastination. Tonight I started on the beginning of a new project for my copious amounts of spare time: Creating Aggieville for my Sims in Sims 2!
Of course I don't have room to create every establishment in the ville, so I just decided to make a few select important ones. Some are also slightly out of place, but I did the best placement I could with the space allotted. I'll do what I can by memory, and some nights I may just have to go out for a little "research" to jog my memory.
Here's what the lot layout looks like, I'll try to remember to start posting more pics when construction of individual establishments gets underway:
EDIT: So Joe just enlightened me that neighborhood template's for The Sims 2 are the same file type as Sim City 4 files, so you can actually create custom neighborhoods using Sim City 4. So I'm thinking about getting a more accurate layout of Aggieville made, and room permiting I will go ahead and make EVERYTHING in Aggieville. It would be really cool to have an exact replica of Aggieville for my sims to go eat, drink, shop, buy pet supplies (hint hint), do laundry in (on that note I just realized that Sims never wash clothes), etc.