Aug 15, 2005 00:17
soOo its been a LONG ASS TIME! since i updated this thingy but i thought that now is a good time...
so tday was fun.. ut let me start with last nite.. no friday.
on so on frieday... was my last day of summer school! it was cool i brought in a cake n stuff.. good times..
and then later that night alex comes over and we got to see Four Brothers wiht him and my isster.. which that movie wa ssOo good! but that was the nite of the insane rain thing-a-ma-bob that was goin on! lol... and i was drenched by te time i got into the movies ( in SoNo) it was bananas! and then... it was flooding.. up to my knees.... so yea the movie was good.. and then we all went to the diner afterwerds around 1 or 2 in the morning of or something like that.... and got food and then cam eback home, and we all crashed on my couhc...
then saturday i woke up in themorning, and we went to on gIsland. my mom sand sister.. to go visit a college.... Adelphi U. i loved it!!! honeslty i did, and then we came home......... and that nite i went extremem bowiling, with alex , my sister, josh, megan, her brother jj, and his girlfriend which was tons of fun....and got home around 1 ish, which was cool.. and then this morning me and my mom and isster went to the milford mall.. and went on a shopping binge, which was awsome!..... and then came home
drove around to block buster.. and i couldn't get onto the post road cuz there was a blackout n all this nonsense, cz a powerline fell!! completely! so i had to go around, and idk it was chaos!, but in the end i got to blockbuster and got manchurian candidate ( which i think was a very good movie) and the mcdonalds... it was fun.. and now im going to go to sleep and be very happy tha ti don' thave to wake up in the morning! lol ..w ell thats about it.. who knows.. ill probably post again in another 2 or 3 months or something. until then... bye kids.. n good nite! xoxo