there are some things i can live with out, but i want u to know, that i need you right now..

Jun 01, 2003 01:07

...i neeed you tonite..(john:( )

allow me to explain?

i as extreamly upset today. why?

a few months ago, even though ill get comments of denile, a few of you tried to break up my boyfriend and i...for whatever selfish and spiteful reasons you had...or for your hate of me.

last nite at my friends little party, one of these fools decided to show up. fine with me, free country. so what did i do? i simply got up and left. my boyfriend decided to stay. thats fine. i didnt care that he stayed. cause all of his friends showed up.

i then find out that this guy started talking to john, explaining some stuff to him and APOLOGIZED TO JOHN!

here are the reasons why this guy is a liar and just stupid

1. he did nothing wrong to john but he apologizes to john
2.he basically said my life was worthless and i honestly shouldnt be alive(not in these words but he said something along those lines, ill pull up the comment for proof if necessary...but im sick of wasting my time.
3.he waited to talk to john and apologize to john until i left.
4.he said he was only following what danistold him to do (spinless)
5. no apology to me

now i find out him and john are 'cool'. i freaked.

john is his own person he can be friends with whome ever he wants, but im sorry if anyone ever said anything bad about my bf to me or whatever and if anyone ever tried to break us up, so help me god i would not dare speak to them again, let alone become friends with them.

this is what upset me.

i was not mad at john, i was just mad in general.

anyways, i avoided everyone all day...but i called john and i wanted to see him, despite my awful cold i went out. i had to be with him<3

we went to mood waas horrible i didnt even look at him at first cause i just wanted to cry.

we then started talking, and we worked things out.i explained to him what i just wrote and things are good.

i dont even know what the point of this post is.

i guesss....

like i told john, iv been through too much and if you cross me once, dont expect me to ever be yoru friend again. cause honestly? friends should never hurt another friend INTENTIONALLY!



(good nite john, im glad we worked things out, im sorry for making u worry and for making u sad. this is what i hate, whenever im upset i hate how it makes u feel. like i said earlier, it hurts your head and gives u headaches....but it hurts my heart. i, guess i just see through ppl. i can tell how they feel, i can tell when they lie and i can sence betrayle. sometimes this is a gift, other times i wish i was ignorant....ignorance is bliss...i hate when things like this try to come between us..but it shows how strong our relationship is, we can talk about anything and work things out always..and its not even like we fight...i just get all 'worked up' over things and im sorry that u have to 'deal' with me being like this. i love you boo<3 forgive me? >
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