3 cupcakes with motif/theme: HANA YORI DANGO
thanks jem for printing picture of my bday card for junjun!!!!
can you see the FINGER on the right side?! ahahaha!
this is bestprend's (joshtin) hands molesting junjun!
this is jatykat's (kenkatz) fingers on the NIPS. hahaha!
drank this before going home. i don't like the taste but it works wonder when you
have this huge huge headache and you're dead drunk and you need something
to make the pain go away and become sober. it's a korean drink, JIGUJA.
my model friends! ahahahaha!
last year's keyki, celebrated it with bestprend (joshtin).
this year's keyki! :)
donuts with jinjin pics and akame on the side.
thanks bestprend for the donuts, and janna for the pics. hahaha!
maru bday keyki courtesy of jem (gypsyjem), MARU'S LOVER! hahaha!
and this is maru bread! so cuuuuuuteeeee!! hahahaha!
keyki courtesy of wirru-chan and bestprend.
celebration in teriyaki boy.
had fun you guys! thanks for inviting me :)
what a MESS...this is the after pic. hahaha!