
Apr 18, 2005 11:24

Post these questions and answers in your LJ and include the directions
at the bottom.

1. If you had to pick three Gods/ Goddesses/ Mythological characters
to be your patron Gods/ Goddesses/ Mythological characters, who would
they be and why?

Well first off I'd pick Thor, purely because Thor is a badass no matter what version of the character you're reading. Be it the Norse myths, Marvel Comics, SG1 or DC Comics Thor is just plain cool. (Though if I had to pick a favorite Thor it'd have to be SG1 Thor, because the Asgard will guard your ass.)

Secondly we're going to have to go with the supreme badass of Godheads... and I'm talking about the waters themselves, a little guy named Tiahmat. Sure, he gets killed a lot... but we're talking about the only god powerful enough to be mentioned in Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Zoroastrian, Druidic and Judeo Christian mythology. (Trust me Christian's, he's in there. He was written in back when the Torah still spoke of two God's... and God's wife Ashira. Where'd she go? That's right written out in the name of monotheism. But Satan, written in so that the book has a bad guy... what great fiction.)

Lastly I'm going to have to pick a king, The Once and Future King in fact. That's right, to rule us all I choose Arthur. Not the namby pamby "oh how doth I love mine deareft Guenivere?" Arthur, I'm talking the battle chief who rose up and routed the romans and was the granddaddy of all mythological figures till the French had their way with him. The dude probably named Artorius in fact. Cause I think that man would know how to protect us all from the Barbarians at the gate, because for Tiahmat's sake he used to be one of them.

2. If you could choose what you would come back as in your next life
what would it be and why?

I'd want to come back as a cockroach. Sure they're ugly, sure they're disgusting. But let's face it, they're the only thing that'll survive the nuclear holocaust to which we're slowly and entropically slouching toward. So when the big flash happens all you suckers who said you want to be eagles, and dogs, and monkies and cats will be shadows permanantly cast on the walls and I'll have dominion over the earth, and really isn't that what it's all about?

3. If you were the "new hottness" director in Hollywood and could
choose any project to take, which movie would you make and why?

That's a tough one. I can think of so many, I mean who wouldn't want a crack at Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Star Trek or Bond?

But I'm going to have to go with an update of a classic anime show known as Space Battle Cruiser Yamato, or as it was known here in America: Starblazers. I think that the tale of an earth lost to an alien assault, an earth bereft of life on the surface due to intense radiation rallying together for one last ditch attempt to save the planet before it's lost forever with a new technology built into an old 1940's Battleship is an amazing idea.

The idea that Humanities best and brightest load up in a ship built 150 years earlier with an engine they know almost nothing about and go into deep space to retrieve the means to terraform Earth and bring it back to its former glory. All the while the clock is ticking and if they don't make it back in exactly one year everyone they love living deep below the surface of the earth will be dead from radiation poisoning. There's something compelling and primal there. I think it might work better as a tv show, but hey if I'm the new hotness and can make it as a movie... hell yeah.

4. Which is your favorite Stargate SG-1 or Stargate Atlantis character and why?

I've given it a great deal of thought, and my answer is Teal'c. The man comes into it with the most noble of intentions and never gives up, never stops fighting to save his people. And all the while he's growing closer and closer to the Tauri and beginning to care about us too, and is able to reconcile the differences between us and care equally for SG1 and a free Jaffa nation. It's very noble. There's honor in it, that I think the other characters kinda lack. And there's my answer.

5. Penis! Any thoughts?

I'm thinking of humming "Hail to the Chief"

1.Leave a comment saying, "Interview me."
2.I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3.You will include this explainationand an offer to interview someone
else in the same post.
4.You will update your LJ with the questions and answers.
5.When others comment to be interviewed you will ask them five questions.
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