News and Info... Plus Random Stuff

Nov 21, 2010 10:24

So this is a pretty random post but that's okay. I've got some exciting stuff going on. First, I got my first job yesterday! I'm pretty buzzed about that and what's even cooler is i get to work with my cousin. :)
The second cool thing is, I may get to appear in a TV show as an extra... Which is pretty awesome considering I want to be an actress. xD
The third thing is.... I'm going to camp for a week!! It's going to be pretty freakin' awesome! I can't wait to go because I haven't been on a camp since grade 9 so yeah.
Anyway, I should have the next chapter of all of my fics up in the next two weeks. Hopefully, if everything goes according to plan I'll have Left Behind up too. It's been giving 'me some trouble but I don't want to leave it any longer.
That's all... Haha. Oh and check out Nigahiga on YouTube... Funniest thing around. ;)


So, do the poll please and let me know and I'll try my hardest to get it up. :)

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