Jan 16, 2007 21:39
Well first off I would like to thank you for all the support, concern and kind words. NO matter what my words, I want to say I value all my friends even if I appear to neglect you all.
Let us just say I was pulling one of my, "scott invested a lot of expectations on a long shot."
My troubles focus on a young lady friend (yes difficult to believe a wopman causeing me woe) of mine that I know via the interweb. I think we could be good friends, if only we could actually meet. Well after a year, I thought for sure it was going to happen, and it has been a long difficult road.
When we first met there were communication issues, she does not have a phone. First we tried to meet at a coffee place, and she gave me the wrong address. Her car got stolen so she could not come to the YC. Then she sent me to a neutral address that happened to be an old folks home. In an attempt to "make it up to me" she was going to hop in the car (it had been recovered) and drive on up, but never showed up. She claims that she busted her leg on the way out the door. (she could just say I'm not gonna show, or doing her hair?). Oh then she moved and she gave me a new address, and I went to it and the place just can’t exist. It turns out she gave me the incorrect street letter, D instead of B.
So two weekends was going to be the day, she was going to cook dinner, we were going to hang out. It might have been nice. BUT NOOOoooo. She was supposed to contact me when I got home. No contact. Then the next day I thought I saw her online and she would not reply to my inquiries…so I got frustrated, and for no good reason blamed myself.
So on Monday, I was speaking to my co-worker that was having issues in her life, and I got to thinking on my own and got sort of down, so I started to mope.
Well I did get a hold of the mystery woman, and she told me that she did not contact me cause her car was stolen on Friday night, and then her Apartment burglarized on Sunday., likely by the car thief. Now that is a great excuse, and I have no reason to think she lied.
So now I am thinking that the powers that be hate me... are pissing on any chance I might make a friend. It could be she's not that interested.
So what it boils down to…is I want a local friend. I am DESPERATE for a local friend. I have fantastic friends all over, but none locally that I can call on a whim and just share, or have a spontaneous coffee with, or go stomp the mall and make fun of teens. KZ is fantastic, but he has a full life and I'm reluctant to inflict myself too much on him. The Mills brothers are fun fun fun, but again they have their stuff going on. Rnae just got back and is still settling in. She'll be busy with classes and work. And that my friend is as EL RON Hubbard might say is my reactive mind.
Le sigh.
But two weeks have gone by and I'm better, I had a terrific time out at the Corner Bar, making fun of the jackasses, and the girl who brought her mother.
Oh I still need to finish my "Kiosk of Cocks" tale. If I can only capture the amusement I felt as I looked at this trio of daring young entrepreneurs in the mall and their nights out on the prowl hunting rabbits…or chicks.