Aug 09, 2008 04:10

Title: War and Roses
Fandom/Pairing: NARNIA; Peter Pevensie/Edmund Pevensie
Notes: Written for the prompt "roses" @ the 100foraslan challenge community.
Summary: A frozen moment in time for the Kings. Just as the bodies fall.

There are roses growing on the field. Edmund’s in the threshold. He’s on a warpath. Strikes one down, another follows. Bodies hit the ground faster than the screams hit the air.

Edmund feels the air whiz. Next thing he knows, he’s hit the ground, hard. Peter’s on top. An arrow stray embeds itself into a body that could’ve been Edmund. Edmund feels blood on his skin; a rose’s thorn has bitten a graft. Peter’s alive.

The blood on Edmund’s cheek dries as the bodies long grow cold. They keep warm in the middle of a war. A rose keeps alive.

character: peter pevensie, pairing: peter/edmund, fiction: narnia, character: edmund pevensie

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