Oct 07, 2004 12:27
TIFFANY IS A SLUT.. and Dave is fucking someone else... BOO-YA
(Since tiff can't take the pressure of my commenting, I must post here--- this is what I had to say to her... but.,... meh... oh well)
No way!!?!?! We're not friends? Because I totally thought we were, I mean really Tiff, We were so chillin last weekend. We had such a fetch time. I can't believe you! YOU TWO FACED-- TWO TIMING-- SKANK!!
I can't believe you...
and Dave-- I feel so sorry for him... How could he put up with such a trashy girl? Gosh-- He's so lucky he has his thing on the side with... wait... I can't say-- not just yet.
Look hun-- I'm sorry your head is stuffed so far into your ass that you don't know what is what anymore. Wake up sunshine...
Its noon-- do u know where Daves dick is??? (I bet I know)
I can't wait until the wedding ! ;-)